CODECHEF Attendance

Definitely, I was planning to do something with Android apps this summer :smiley:

Thanks for your Appreciation

Awesome Tool.

Thank you.

Hey! How did you add those random quotes in the end of that source code :smiley:

I checked it on your github link too but found no evidences how that occurs? Seriously did you not upload that on github or is it something deeper which I can’t figure out?

and BTW congrats. I just saw that “saakhshaat” Codechef responded on this post :stuck_out_tongue:

Reminds me that codechef was also thinking of releasing an app?

I searched for that post after reading your comment. Hope for the best.

Can you please reply to my query above?

Just wanted to know how to make those quotes change.

It’s simple buddy :stuck_out_tongue:

If you know even a little bit about web development and languages then you can figure out how that works.

Just try to think about it for once :slight_smile:

I couldn’t. Please tell me how -_-

There are tons of methods, the easiest way could be…

Just take an array, add few sentences in it (i.e. strings) and access the array elements using a random number generator (use it as index for the array).

Ok. Thank you so much. So now I know. :slight_smile:

Can you give me some tips to excel in Competitive Programming?

That is something I myself am trying to figure out :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a bug, even if you enter an invalid username then also the results are being displayed


Will show error now, thanks for pointing that out :slight_smile:

@shaeyas your website(tool) has a page-view counter which doesn’t count unique page views ( i think you know this ) .
it would be better if you get a unique page-view counter up and running .
Great work BTW!

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Yes, I know, it counts the no. of times the page is opened, I will fix it soon.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I modified it, now it will only increment if someone actually presses the submit button to view their attendance.

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There’s another bug and not really a bug but kind of an improvement.

For example sometimes codechef gives 503 error and in that case your tool shows that the person is not present in any of the contests. So I was just saying if you show some error message in that case then that would be better.


Hey @shraeyas , change that MAY Lunch Time thing, since it will not be considered towards 100% attendance.

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It’s not really a fix but I just tried to make it more bearable :stuck_out_tongue:

alt text

It will now show a warning sign in case of any miscellaneous contests (unrated or cancelled).

If I come across any better solution to this I will add it later.

And yes thanks for your suggestion :slight_smile:

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