Well, codechef aimed to bring a renaissance in the Indian Competitive Programming. It has done it to a
certain extent. Codechef has been trying hard. Codechef visits school/colleges reimburse the students
for ICPC, it even has a “Go For Gold Program”. Most of us know that codechef hosts three contest every
month, namely
Long (lasting 10 days), Cook-off (ICPC style contest), Lunchtime (IOI style contest).
Now, let’s come to the main point!
Codechef though tried hard to bring the renaissance by hosting contests every month, but it also gave air
to some cheaters. Cheaters, I personally think it is a wrong word. These people should be called
thieves. Some participants literally sit on ideone during the live contest like scavengers on a hunt, as
soon as they find a code that fits the sample input or output format of a question in the contest. BAM!!
COPY -> Tab Switch-> Click on Submit button->PASTE->SUBMIT->AC.
We see these people rising up on the rank list and wonder like these people must be working so hard.
But when I open the code after the contest I find the person is cheating. Some players have been
consistently cheating in short contest and codechef has happily increased their rating, this gave my
heart and my will a blow. What’s the point of doing that toil when you have an easy way?
Well, my brain says it would not do any good to my skills so I refrain myself from doing anything wrong.
But then, these things go unnoticed. Do I want to ask the admin when would these things stop? When
would codechef really do the work it aimed for? In fact, once I read an article on Quora asking, [“Why do a
lot of successful competitive programmers not participate actively on CodeChef but participate often on
sites like TopCoder and Codeforces?”](https://www.quora.com/Why-do-a-lot-of-successful-competitive-
Codeforces). I felt really bad about what Bohdan Pryshchenko wrote about people of my country. Well,
since the cheaters are solely responsible for the blame, you guys do not catch such entries. Participants gain confidence and they tend to do these things again. Well, here are some links:
Question Name: [Multiple of 3] https://www.codechef.com/COOK90/problems/MULTHREE
Contest Name: January Cook-Off 2018
Solution 1: ii_siddharth
Solution 2: shreycoder123
Question Name: [Chef and Escaping from the Labyrinth]
Contest Name: January Lunchtime 2018
Solution 1: ii_siddharth
Solution 2: gahoi
Well, if this was not enough then old god knows how will you come up with world-class system and
a platform which shall help to create wonderful programmers!
Culprit: codechef.com/users/ii_siddharth
Just reducing the ratings by 1000 or something similar would be like cutting a slack to cheaters like these.
The punishment should be to ban the account straight away.