Damn, what just happened !!!

Reply to @admin on that mail. If its a mistake from her side, she will rectify it. Dont panic! :slight_smile:

So they wont be dropping my ratings right??

No. They wont. Codechef didnt send you any mail. Could be someone pranking you.

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can anyOne share sample of submitted code which was taken from net and attribute declared …

Plagiarism Hammer? I guess its more like wrath of thanos. Its like "With the infinity stones he can destroy half of the ratings with a snap of his fingers, just like that " xD. Anyways guys cheer up and try getting back to where you were as soon as possible :D.


Yeah u are right,i know who pranked me…

Thanx for the revenge @vijju123 xD

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Yeah, no use bring demotivated. Those who did reach that rating by hard work and were wrongly penalized can easily gain it back, because well, they did it once and it shouldn’t be hard doing it twice.

Those who really did plagiarize are fucked(Thats a good thing and the honest people should be happy with that) xD

In reply to @soham1234 , “I don’t feel so good” xD

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Dont worry wait for infinity war 2. Once avengers gets the gauntlet your ratings will be brought back XD

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What revenge? I dont understand? :slight_smile:

@vijju123, I did everything you said,But i have not gotten back my submissions.Also i have not gotten any replies.Any estimations how much time the process take?Or is there any way i can deactivate this account ? Thank you

looks like the rabbit had another eye which it gave to the codechef devs and they too made a hammer like thor xD

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LOL xD Those infinity wars references got me hard.

I wonder what you guys are talking about xD

It takes them some time to get back to you. If no reply comes within 3 days, bump again and PM me your support ticket ID.

i am groot xD


https://www.codechef.com/viewsolution/18291547 There a lot of differences. But to be on secure side. This is how I provided attribution. In comments you can also mention some explanation If you think you will be caught by MOSS test.

And If you always use fast I/O code. Then you can add attributes in you template.

You should 1… use directly that gfg part code in my long challenge code and give refrence to that net part… Because this is best and you will be safe if proper reference is there.

how to be innocent 101 @abdullah768

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@admin, @vijju123 any updates…