The app just crossed 1000 downloads on play store!
Fridge for Codechef
I just made a free open source android app, Fridge for Codechef, which is my first big project. Basically, during long challenges, I wanted to read the questions whenever I got free time. So this app was born out of desire to solve long challenge questions, in an interface which is mobile friendly.
So, this app allows you to download all the questions from a contest or directly download any particular problem, which can then be viewed as per your requirement. You can easily share your favorite questions and contests, and search for them. This app can associate itself with codechef links to directly open them inside the app.
This is the very first release. Do leave your ratings, reviews, feedback, opinions and feature requests.
Hope you enjoy it!
Edit: Now android 4.4 support has been added so if you have a phone with android kitkat you can also download the app
Edit 2: Now you can set reminder for upcoming contests straight from the contests list
Also do not forget to rate and share the app, if you like it
I think you should add more functionalities like showing your rank on the dashboard as you login. And link the rating predictor with the application. Some other useful stuff too. Make it even more useful so that people actually download and use it. BTW nice work!
Thanks for the feedback, I’ll be adding it in the next version. Keep checking for updates. For detailed bug report and more indepth feature request, it would be better if you open the github repo and open an issue. In the meantime, you can share and rate the app.
hey use this code in your first activity to resove https request issue in kitkat phones. Actually tls 2.0 is not unlocked in kitkat phones by default so this problem occurs. You can google about provider installer
try {
} catch (GooglePlayServicesRepairableException e) {
// Thrown when Google Play Services is not installed, up-to-date, or enabled
// Show dialog to allow users to install, update, or otherwise enable Google Play services.
GoogleApiAvailability apiAvailability = GoogleApiAvailability.getInstance();
int resultCode = apiAvailability.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(this);
if (apiAvailability.isUserResolvableError(resultCode)) {
apiAvailability.getErrorDialog(this, resultCode, 9000)
} else {
Log.i("HFJHF", "This device is not supported.");
} catch (GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException e) {
Log.e("SecurityException", "Google Play Services not available.");
Awesome app ! I remember during college I used to save the long challenge questions in offline mode on chrome browser to solve during lectures Will be useful for many no doubt !