A bug in Codechef New Year Gift!

Thanks for bringing this up.

I actually just wanted to know how does the editor know which problem we are writing the code for? i mean there is no details about the problem code or any such thing on the ide and we also open it anytime as independent of any links in the problem statement which might have made the correspondence between the code written on the ide and the problem we are writing the code for. If it is too advanced, then please explain in simple terms.

Hello @sachin,

The editor doesn’t know the problem. It’s a standalone thing. Whatever you type inside it is compiled & run with the custom input (if any), when you click on run. And it shows you the output, just like you do on your computer.

Run button doesn’t submit your code to any problem.

I hope this clears your doubt. Please get in touch with me again, if you need more explanation.