It is to inform you that wrong alligaton of cheating is put on me .
A mail is received from codechef stating that a solution similar to my solution is found.
I want to clear my views-
- The date of my submission is before the submission of the other user.
- As it is a very easy question it may be possible that the code is same as that of me.
- The other user will be punished as he/she may steal my code.
- As I tested my Solution on an online IDE it is possible that he steal it from there.
The penalty is given to the other user because if I cheated then I would submit the solution after him.
PLEASE do not drop my rating as I earned it with my own practice and hardwork.
And if my rating is dropped it takes a lot of time to cover it and it may be possible that I will left the platform of codechef.
Please give concern to my request.