EDIT- Thanks to admins for the quick action!! Really Appreciated :).
Okay, this thing has been going on for a long while now.
Why does Codechef not ban the spammer? I can distinctly see a spammer named ‘tinallen’, having got reported so much that his karma is now ‘-423’, so my point is why is he not banned? He is merrily continuing spamming from that account of his. Does this not, in some way, fail the system of flagging the post?
It says that “A moderator would soon review…” but I haven’t seen anything actually happen.
I mean, what more do the admins need to confirm that “Yeah he is a spammer lets ban him.”
Okay, perhaps they choose not to ban him, but atleast delete the spamming post of his? Even that doesn’t happen!
I am guess many of us have also emailed codechef regarding this…what more are we to do? Why do admins not take strict action against them? Seeing them merrily spamming from same account that we all reported (as if nothing wrong happened) and seeing their spams stay in forums will obviously put many people down who try to maintain the decorum of the forum…
This admin (apologies for my typo). You people are good at taking action quickly, like extending contest dates or suspending accounts involved in bad activities, no doubt. But I don’t know what to feel on spammers, a -457 karma and he is still spamming here makes me feel uneasy. I hope I put across my point amicably, and apologies if anything came off as rude/unparliamentry
EDIT1- I think I heard giving spammers at bugs[at]codechef[dot]com? Does that one not work?
(continuing from my comment)
@admin, there are roughly two categories of spammers. 1st is pure spam, just an answer with spam/advertising link.
And 2nd on the lines of some form of very general statement with spam link awkwardly smashed in between, like -
Eg- (quoting that tinaallen’s post)
in semester system you don't get to study anything too much and too detailed. i have only studied binary search, breadth first search , depth first search, tree traversal,Dijkstra's Algorithm. Saleonleather
Here last word, saleonleather is the spam link to some website for purchase of jackets. And this answer in no way contributes to the discussion, just makes a very general statement. Usually I see this category of spammers are erupting more and more. So, please have a look!