Why isn't the judge accepting new submissions for May Challenge '17?

Its been more than 75 minutes since the last submission. The judge is hung up with submissions before 8:34 PM IST. Most of them are still queued up. On top of that, judge isn’t accepting new submissions for a while.

Everyone noticed that CodeChef judge was relatively slower today: in both May Challenge and BitMask. Even rank list updating was not totally fair due to this issue.

So, what caused this huge blackout? Is this because we had an outstanding number of participants today? Or the judge is intentionally paused for a reason?

“We are not able to process submissions, there is some issue with our judge server. Please bear with us. We will be back soon.” They replied this on messenger.

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If you click on Submit button, it will display the message which @mathecodician quoted.

Only the admins can confirm the issue. Till then, you can either practice some problems/look up the difficult concepts or try running your code on custom test cases to see if its actually correct.

I strongly feel that they will fix the problems by carrying out repair in night (like previous time, cant pin-point when though)

“Even rank list updating was not totally fair due to this issue.”

If referring to MAY Long-

Well, its just the beginning. Rank list also takes some time to update itself usually. Altogether i wanna convey that, ranklist not updating in final hours is a much bigger problem than this.

“So, what caused this huge blackout?”

Only @admins can tell you the exact reason, though its suspected that its some internal problem in server rather than effect of “huge turnout” or something.

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Ow, got it.

But this is gonna unbalance the rank list. Judge isn’t accepting new submissions, so late solvers will get advantage it.

@theintel it’s not cookoff or lunchtime, all contestant having same marks receives the same rank.


So the slow judging was signaling that something’s gonna go wrong, and it did, right?

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Yes dear, exactly!

First of all, as @neilit1992 said it is not a short contest so time doesn’t matter. Secondly, the solutions will be rejudged so even though the contest had ranks based on time, the submissions are rejudged so there will be no problem regarding this.


@mathecodician says is correct even for Practice submissions. The judge server is totally down. (I unable to reply on his answer yet)

We are not able to process submissions, there is some issue with our judge server. Please bear with us. We will be back soon.

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The whole nervous system of CodeChef is offline then.

Yes dear. They use the same judge for practice and contest (I mean, the same SPOJ one, so if SPOJ faces an issue then its effect would be seen everywhere).

Hooray, judge is up and running!

@admin Thanks so much!

Closing the thread as the problem is fixed. In case you feel more discussion is possible, comment here or mail me with link and i will do the necessary :slight_smile: