:'( Why I'm getting TLE in the problem "Compilers and parsers"??

I tried so many tricks to get AC, for example: check if the first char is a ‘<’ (else the answer is 0), another is: check if the string ends in a substr of type “<<<<” if it is I’m going to erasing this char’s…This tricks not works, because I’m getting Time Limit Exeded…please I need help!!!

See, almost 1500+ got AC, and believe me it is not a tough question.
Disucssion of codechef questions, and other such practices during ongoing contest is not valid.

So, I would suggest you try hard, think of more corner cases, and try to get AC. This is programming all about, think hard…!
Hoping you would get succeed…

Moreover a comment from PROBLEM PAGE ONLY which might help you too:
I shall not answer ANY question posted here, but, I can give some clarifications which might be a bit too generous. You can read the definition of what a prefix is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prefix_(computer_science)#Prefix (NOTE: no further explanations regarding what a prefix is will be given)


Yeah, you are right, thanks for your advice I still coding and thinking to get AC :smiley: