For example, this simple submission from the GERALD04 problem used 15.7M:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int T, H1, M1, H2, M2, dist;
float t1, t2;
scanf("%d", &T);
scanf("%d:%d", &H1, &M1);
scanf("%d:%d", &H2, &M2);
scanf("%d", &dist);
t1 = 60*H1+M1;
t2 = 60*H2+M2;
printf("%.1f ", (float)(t1-t2+dist));
if(t1<t2+2*dist) printf("%.1f\n", (float)(t1-t2)*0.5 + dist);
else printf("%.1f\n", (float)(t1-t2));
return 0;
Actually, all my submissions, seem to use approximately 15M, despite the simplicity of the code or the libraries included. What am I doing wrong?