I have collected enough Laddus to claim a T-shirt. However, currently the Large and Extra Large T-shirts are out of stock now (for quite some time)
When will Large and Extra T-shirt be available? Is it worth waiting for them to be available?
I have collected enough Laddus to claim a T-shirt. However, currently the Large and Extra Large T-shirts are out of stock now (for quite some time)
When will Large and Extra T-shirt be available? Is it worth waiting for them to be available?
free advice : never order the bag . It sucks big time .
Hey zscoder, We are in process of procuring the large and extra large t-shirts, you can expect them soon.
@sarvagya3943, what is it that you did not like about the bag? Care to share your feedback?
It’s been quite a while now (more precisely > 1 month). Are there any news on when the t-shirts of these sizes will get restocked?
@vicennial @admin : The bag is really small. Can’t even fit a big register in that ( I’m not exaggerating ).
Ya it looks really small even in the image in the boy wears it …
Still out of stock
T shirts are still out of stock!
Why was he suspended ?