Meanwhile Amritapuri is still stick at 10th November
They have mentioned the time also , so it should be declared tomorrow itself.
Any reasons as to why such excess delay this year ?
Solutions were posted on Stack Exchange plus judging error in a problem in the contest. My guess is they are taking the cheating case very seriously and making sure that no selected team has indulged in un-fair practices.
Overall rank 880,ranked college first in both Kolkata and kharagpur. Whatâs the probability on getting selected?
Kolkata is sure. High chances for Kharagpur as well !
Our overall rank is 900 and college rank is 1st (amritapuri) and 2nd (in kanpur-kolkata) site. What is the chances for getting selected for respective site for our team if we didnât cheated ?
Amritapuri - 100 . KOL - KAN - 0
Kolkata-Kanpur result delayed to 6:00 pm on 17th November. What is wrong this year?!
The Results of Kolkata Sites got delayed till 17 November,6 pm wait continues:-(
The announcement today has shown that this time everything is going wrong and now I am expecting the results to be declared before next ACM
There are few teams that are not first from their college from any regional. They know they are not Qualified.
There are few teams that are first from their college for Kolkatta-Kanpur and Amritapuri with a rank that is " not too bad". They know they will be definitely Qualifed.
There are few teams who performed very well ( with rank < 500 ) and are top from their college for Chennai / Gwalior . They know they will be Qualifed.
The Above ones have nothing to Worry and nothing to be stressed or be suspensed about.
**Then there are teams( including mine) which are first from their college for Chennai / Gwalior but have performed neither very well nor bad and are quite clueless, confused , stressed, worried , suspensed ! These teams are greatly affected by this long delay and above that no official announcement giving clue about when to expect! I donât know how others falling in this category might be feeling. **
This extension of dates seems like an infinite loop! Why codechef is so reluctant to announce the date?
We are also facing the same problem.
As we are first from Chennai region in our college. Our rank is 623.
What is ur rank ?
Then comes those whoâve opted for multi-site contest. We are first in the college in both kolkata-kanpur/amritapuri but donât know which onsite place weâll be getting!
Kolkata site posted it officially that -âTop team from each college will be selected for Onsite Roundâ(unless u managed to solve atleast 1 problem)
This seems like a never ending story. According to Amritapuri Site, the results had to be declared on 10th November. That date passed and Gwalior site said that results are expected on 14th or 15th . That too passed and the Kolkata site said that results will be declared at 6 PM on 16th. Now it says that results will be declared by 6 PM on 17th. I donât think I could even believe that. There were too many issues with the contest. When you set problems having formula based O(1) solutions, it just becomes a hell lot easier to cheat.I mean, once the formula is figured out, it could be shared very easily on the internet. It would have been wise to set these problems for the onsite contest. Codechef should have made the rank-list visible by now. Itâs been more that 10 days after the contest and still we are kept in suspense, clueless about when are the results coming out. I believe that Codechef should have gone with a conventional contest, like previous years. All of this mess could have been avoided. Itâs just my opinion.
Checking this page more than i check my whatsapp chats.
My overall rank is 139, college rank 7 in Amrita and college rank 3 in Kolkata. What are the chances?