What is wrong with this Linked List I am trying to create?

So I was trying to create a linked list which is doubly linked and dual ended. I cant figure out why I keep getting a run-time exception. Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong?

package DualEndedLinkedList;

public class Node {

public int data;
public Node prev;
public Node next;

public Node() {
    data = 0;
    prev = null;
    next = null;

public Node(int d, Node p, Node n) {
    data = d;
    prev = p;
    next = n;


public class List {

public static Node start;
public static Node end;

public List() {
    start = new Node(0, null, end);
    end = new Node(0, start, null);

public static void AddStart(Node x) {
    x.prev = start;
    x.next = start.next;
    start.next.prev = x;
    start.next = x;

public static void AddEnd(Node x) {
    x.next = end;
    x.prev = end.prev;
    end.prev.next = x;
    end.prev = x;

public static void AddPos(Node x, int pos) {
    Node n = start;
    while (n.next != end && pos > 0) {
        n = n.next;
    x.prev = n;
    x.next = n.next;
    n.next.prev = x;
    n.next = x;