What are some good cookoff strategies?

I am participating for the first time in COOKOFF competition. So I want to know what are some of the best strategies to apply while solving problems, in such a short duration contest?

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Do the easiest problem as fast as you can…
then try others…
All the best :).

In terms of difficulty, almost all Cookoffs have a cakewalk problem and a simple one(that uses Ad-hoc etc.) that you should be able to solve!

Another point to take note of is that the site will be under heavy load as thousands of users will be online during the contest. So…

  • Try to load all the problems in you’re browser as soon as possible.

  • Be patient! Judging of solutions might be slow due to the number of submissions.

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So u mean this site will work like IRCTC site during contest ? :smiley:


no,IRCTC is still the king :smiley: