I thought that since Codechef is such awesome community, we can all vote here for the most interesting problems of 2016.
This list can be really useful for anyone who wants to improve his skill, or just have fun solving great challenges we had in 2016 and there were many of them!
Each person can vote for at most 3 problems which appeared in any Cook-Off, Lunchtime or Long Contest in 2016.
In order to vote, write your answer listing problems you vote for, and explain why there are interesting for you if you want.
After that, update total score of problems you are voting for in the below list, so if a problem is not on the list yet, then just add it with score 1, otherwise increment its score by 1. The topic is marked as “community wiki” so anyone should be able to edit it. However, If you are not able to edit the main post, just write a comment below and I’ll try to do it for you.
Whenever you link to a problem, paste the link to its contest version, not practice.
It was solved by just 80 people in Oct long challenge which is a very big thing for me. I just read the statement and went to sleep. In the middle of night I just woke up with the solution. I was suprised to see my solution got accepted so easily. It was an amazing experience for me as I hardly thought about its solution for more than a minute.
[1]: https://www.codechef.com/OCT16/problems/SEASTONE
I will uptove ASTRD. And further throw in MGCHGEOM because I learned way too much while working on this and spent pretty much the entirety of 3 days on it. TULIPS was another one that took a long time but again taught me a lot.
@pkacprzak, as far as I remember only the author or someone with more than 1.5/2k karma points only can edit the wiki post and for others, even the “Edit” button is not available