This is question of the Alkhwarism 2013 contest which has ended
Question : Valley Of Death
I wasn’t able to come to a solution during the contest but still not able to understand the concept of grundy numbers used in it even after reading other people’s codes
Can someone please take a min and explain it
if i look at that solution, the answer seems quite simple.
have a look at the solve() function :
- it computes the possibles values of the number of coins you can remove each turn (F in pb statement, in here)
- it simulates the game in a dynamic programming matrix the optimal way (two dimensions for two players)
- it stores already computed solutions in a cache map called M
- then for each pile, the solution is XORed with the previous computed one, to find the final answer
hope it helps !
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Can anyone pls explain this part?Thanks in advance 
rep(j, ptr)
if(in[j] > i)
v[dp2[i-in[j]]] = ctr;`