int array[5];
cout << sizeof(array) // prints 5*sizeof(int) onto the console
int *array = new int[5];
cout << sizeof(array) // prints the same constant number always irrespective of what I enter in
the brackets … int[ any size ]
What is exactly happening here??? pls somebody help
I figured out this strange behaviour while i was trying to sort a dynamic array using std::sort
std::sort(array, array+sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]));
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sizeof(a)…returns the memory that has been allocated to the variable ‘a’ in bytes.
int array[5];
memory allocated to array is 20 and hence 20 is the output!!!
but for:-
int *array;
memory allocated to array is 4 and hence 4 is the output!!
hope this helps…
“int *array = new int[5]; cout << sizeof(array) // prints the same constant number always irrespective of what I enter in
the brackets … int[ any size ]”
This is due to the notation you are using to declare a variable length array, which is correct.
However, keep in mind that sizeof(), returns the size, in bytes, of the argument it receives.
Now, as by declaring an array as int* array, you are in reality, saying that array is a pointer to the 1st element of the array, the output of sizeof() won’t change, regardless of the size you allocate.
Best regards,
thank you very much for your clarification and patience reading my question…
thank you very much for your clarification and patience reading my question…
No need to thank you sir, it’s what we are all here for
If you find this answer to be the correct one, you can accept it as such so the topic can be closed 
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no need to thank dude…we are here to help as well as to ask for it…hope the ans cleared your doubt…