I’m wondering if someone can help me optimize my code for QSET on the last challenge. I was upset that I had a correct algorithm but it simply was just a bit too slow to run in under 1 second for the large input. Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef vector<LL> vn;
vn add(vn one, vn two)
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
one[i] += two[i];
return one;
vn shift(vn &arr, LL amount)
vn result(3, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
result[(i+amount)%3] = arr[i];
return result;
struct SegmentNode
vn leftEnd, rightEnd;
LL whole;
LL numD3;
size_t L, R;
SegmentNode() {}
SegmentNode(vn leftEnd, vn rightEnd, LL whole, LL numD3, size_t L, size_t R)
: leftEnd(leftEnd), rightEnd(rightEnd), whole(whole), numD3(numD3), L(L), R(R) {}
struct SegmentTree
vector<SegmentNode> st;
size_t left(size_t cur) { return cur << 1; }
size_t right(size_t cur) { return (cur << 1) + 1; }
SegmentNode merge(SegmentNode &left, SegmentNode &right)
vn leftEnd = add(left.leftEnd, shift(right.leftEnd, left.whole));
vn rightEnd = add(right.rightEnd, shift(left.rightEnd, right.whole));
LL whole = (left.whole + right.whole) % 3;
LL numD3 = left.numD3 + right.numD3;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
numD3 += left.rightEnd[i] * right.leftEnd[(3-i)%3];
numD3 += left.rightEnd[(3-right.whole)%3];
numD3 += right.leftEnd[(3-left.whole)%3];
if (whole == 0)
return SegmentNode(leftEnd, rightEnd, whole, numD3, left.L, right.R);
void build(size_t cur, size_t L, size_t R, vn &A)
if (L == R)
LL numD3 = (A[L])%3 == 0 ? 1 : 0;
st[cur] = SegmentNode(vn(3, 0), vn(3, 0), A[L]%3, numD3, L, R);
build(left(cur), L, (L+R)/2, A);
build(right(cur), (L+R)/2+1, R, A);
st[cur] = merge(st[left(cur)], st[right(cur)]);
SegmentTree(vn &A)
st = vector<SegmentNode>(A.size()*4);
build(1, 0, A.size()-1, A);
SegmentNode query(size_t cur, size_t LQ, size_t RQ)
if (st[cur].L >= LQ && st[cur].R <= RQ)
return st[cur];
if (st[left(cur)].R < LQ)
return query(right(cur), LQ, RQ);
if (st[right(cur)].L > RQ)
return query(left(cur), LQ, RQ);
SegmentNode leftResult = query(left(cur), LQ, RQ);
SegmentNode rightResult = query(right(cur), LQ, RQ);
SegmentNode result = merge(leftResult, rightResult);
return result;
void update(size_t cur, size_t idx, LL val)
if (st[cur].L == idx && st[cur].R == idx)
st[cur].whole = val%3;
st[cur].numD3 = val%3 == 0 ? 1 : 0;
else if (st[cur].L <= idx && st[cur].R >= idx)
update(left(cur), idx, val);
update(right(cur), idx, val);
st[cur] = merge(st[left(cur)], st[right(cur)]);
int main()
LL N, M;
cin >> N >> M;
string line;
cin >> line;
vn A(N);
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
A[i] = line[i] - '0';
SegmentTree tree(A);
for (size_t i = 0; i < M; ++i)
LL type;
cin >> type;
if (type == 1)
size_t X;
cin >> X >> Y;
tree.update(1, X-1, Y);
size_t C, D;
cin >> C >> D;
SegmentNode result = tree.query(1, C-1, D-1);
cout << result.numD3 << endl;