hey i’m getting TLE in ojumps and i cannot find the problem in the code pls help . the question is
the code is…
inp = int(raw_input())
i = 1
y = 0
p = 0
while y<=inp:
if y==inp:
print "yes"
p = 1
y = y + i
if i==3:
i = 0
if p==0:
print "no"
thank you
The constraints on a (inp in your solution ) are a<= 1018
Your solution is of O(a) complexity. So, it will not pass the test cases in the time limit specified.
Try some other logic.
You can refer to the editorial : http://discuss.codechef.com/questions/42547/ojumps-editorial
If you still have any problem, comment below.
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you are unnecessarily making use of loop in the problem .Remember that a can be as large as 10^18,which can result in 10^18 operations if you use loop (since your time complexity is o(a),which is the reason for tle.
Instead a simple implentation like the foll with 0(1) complexity would suffice.
Psuedo Cde:
get input a
if you find my post helpful upvote and mark it as accepted answer.CHEERS HAPPY CODING
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I think you are using brute force in solving the problems. yesterday i had answerd a question on your doubt regarding the prob:“PLZLYKME”,where you had used a similar brute force kind of approach. Dont always fall into brute force,there is always scope for optimizations at any level.“optimisation is a virtue of a good programmer”,So always try to better your approach (keeping in mind the time consraints as well) which will help you in the long run. CHEERS HAPPY CODING:)