Time Limit Exceeded : Programming Contest with a Twist by IIITH

A 48 hr long programming contest with a twist. A coding contest full with unnatural programming challenges that would require smart solutions and tricks. Primary language is going to be C/C++, but knowledge of other languages, and love for esoteric and obfuscated programming would make your life easier.

The Contest will require you to not only solve the problem, but try solving them within some constraints on time, space and code.

This year we also include a few problems in surprise language!

The portal link will be available 5 minutes before the contest here: http://felicity.iiit.ac.in/threads/tle/
Register here: http://felicity.iiit.ac.in/register
Prizes worth: INR 15k.

Here are the TLE’14 Problems: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12ujoqMEFS3yL3VmZ81eftpfz4Yd4MmlXXInAiJ4eclI/

Here is last years leader board:

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Thanks for showing that here! Really interests me, and while I probably won’t be able to get many problems since it’s a school night, I’ll definitely participate!

Is it a team contest or an individual contest ?