@c6h12o6 has been involved in plagiarism multiple times.Like what happened @ista2000 and many others, my code was exactly copied by him and he submitted 6 hrs later,I accept that I also made mistake by not marking my code private in ideone (since it was just my second contest,i didn’t know that code goes public in ideone). but the main problem is he was caught in plagiarism many times before DEC16(when I was caught),still he was not suspended and again he has got caught in plagiarism after that 4 times(JUNE17,MAY17,APRIL17,MARCH17) and still he is not suspended.
if no contest got caught in plagiarism=no of points on graph-no of contest in (problems solved) section which are rated
then no of contest he got caught in plagiarism is 21
my solution :http://www.codechef.com/viewsolution/12243180
his solution :http://www.codechef.com/viewsolution/12246119
His old rating in long challenges till FEB17(after which new rating system came):-6359(last before rank) old rating
his new rating and graph:c6h1206
please SUSPEND accounts like this.if possible restore rating for people affected by him
It would be better i this was posted on this ongoing thread https://discuss.codechef.com/questions/126366/damn-what-just-happened . It would have been easy for admin to take feedback.
I my opinion suspension of account should never be a option that should be looked upon. I hardly takes 2 minutes to create new handle. But some people (like me) love their username. They would like to retain it whatever happen. It may happen that the person whom you are asking to suspend may have created new account.
Also as the verdict given also include contest about ~1 year old. I may be possible that they may have given their username to companies via their cv. Which will be a major loss for them because after suspension CodeChef shows account does not exist.
I personally know some people in my college they have been awarded 0 ratings. But I still trust them. And suspension will only increase no of accounts on codechef. Giving 0 rating serves purpose of new account.
Suspension of account will not ban person from codechef. And if he uses same account we know no of times he has been found cheated.
Curious as to why you love your username so much.
@admin @vijju123 want to report a here. In above 2/2 I typed 5. 6. which can be seen when you edit my comment. But it is displayed as 1. 2.
Unable to edit here. want to report a (bug) here. I can edit this comment but cannot edit above comments.
We do have the feature to block accounts, I think its “if caught 3 times, then your account is blocked.” . You can refer to codechef blogs for exact details.
if no contest got caught in plagiarism=no of points on graph-no of contest in (problems solved) section which are rated
Clicking on the arrow shows the contests where he plagiarized as red dots. He has been caught for that in 3 contests. Not sure if he will be blocked immediately or will be given another chance…
if possible restore rating for people affected by him
Request denied. This will be partiality towards such cases. For @admin , equal treatment of all cases is a fundamental principle. She cannot accept this request, howsoever lenient she is.