Support status for Perl 6

Despite the title, this question is asking for more generic information on language compilers/interpreter in general. Seemingly, Codechef is no longer entirely using Sphere Engine, since one can easily notice some difference on version listing, as well as the appearance of PyPy 3 (which, IMHO, should have same time multiplier as PyPy 2 of 2X though, but that’s not a major problem).

The question here is, what are the requirements to support an implementation, as well as keeping them up-to-date. Currently I see someone also ask about support for C++17. If that’s simply not progress-able, at least we deserve an explanation, along with more details on compilers and such. Currently all users get is reading from the cannot-be-more-compact list of language to chose for submitting solution, which, in my perspective, is not quite informative enough.

Compilers flags, for instance, is provided as an answer here, which is a bit tricky to find, but at least there are time stamps on update. Time multipliers, on the other hand, is posted in a blog post which is clearly silently updated (posted in 2009, but PyPy for sure was not reduced from 5X to 2X until very recently).

Into details, support for Perl 6 is confusing at its best. Aside from not providing any time multiplier (speaking at the beginning of 2019, all existing implementations are terribly slow, i.e. comparable to CPython), details on compiler are also lacking. Drop-list gives only PERL6 (Perl 6), and I can guess the implementation is Moar (since JVM is not at popular, maybe?). Online IDE gives v2016.12 for say $*PERL.compiler.version and 6.c for Perl version, but that’s all of it.

What I am trying to ask here is if more transparency for online judge could be provided, including hardware, OS (and environment in general), details on compilers and flags used along with time multiplier; all in one official place.

Since I’m new here and this place is named Discuss, I hope to hear opinions from other users about this issue.

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