Author: Hanlin Ren
Tester: Jingbo Shang
Editorialist: Hanlin Ren
math, combinatorics, sqrt-decomposition
Given an undirected simple graph G=(V,E), for a subset S\subseteq V we define f(S) is the number of edges in the induced subgraph of S. Find
The problem actually asks you to enumerate all lists of edges of length k, and suppose these k edges occupy p vertices, the answer is added by 2^{N-p}. We only need to count how many lists occupy p=2\dots 2k vertices when k\le 3, and we do it for every p=2\dots 2k separately. Some sqrt-decomposition tricks may help.
Subtask 1
We enumerate all subsets S\subseteq V and calculate f(S)^k and add them together.
Time complexity: O(M2^N).
Subtask 2 and 4
The answer is the number of ways to choose the following things:
- a subset S of V;
- a list of edges of length k: (e_1,e_2,\dots,e_k)
such that every endpoint of every e_i is in S. To see this, if you fix S then there are exactly f(S)^k ways to choose the edge list.
To calculate the answer, let’s enumerate the list first. For a list (e_1,e_2,\dots,e_k), if a vertex v is the endpoint of some e_i, then it must be in S; otherwise it’s can be in S or out S. So the number of ways to choose S is 2^{N-p}, where p is the number of vertices that are endpoints of some e_i.
This gives an O(M^k) algorithm: we simply enumerate the edge list, calculate its p value, and add 2^{N-p} to the answer. This can pass subtask 2 and 4.
Subtask 2
Specially, for k=1, since the graph is simple, for any edge(list of length 1), its p=2. So the answer is M\cdot 2^{N-2}.
Subtask 3
For k=2, we need to know the number of ordered edge pairs (e_1,e_2) so their p=2,3,4 respectively.
For p=2, the answer is a_{22}=M, since the graph is simple and we have to select two identical edges.
For p=3, let’s enumerate the common vertex of e_1 and e_2, say v. Then there are d(d-1) ways to select these two edges, where d=\deg_v is the degree of the vertex. We sum up all the numbers, and the answer is a_{23}=\sum_{v\in V}\deg_v(\deg_v-1).
For p=4, the answer is a_{24}=M^2-a_{22}-a_{23}.
This subtask can be done in O(M).
Subtask 5
(Below are some graph theory terms that’ll appear later)
For k=3, we need to know the number of edge lists (e_1,e_2,e_3) so their p=2,3,4,5,6 respectively.
For p=2, we need to pick 3 identical edges, so the answer is a_{32}=M;
For p=3, there are two cases:
- We pick two edges that has a common vertex, and duplicate one of them. There are 3a_{23} ways: a_{23} ways to pick such two edges and select one(to duplicate), and 3 ways to arrange them(112,121,211);
- We pick a triangle. we can enumerate one vertex in the triangle, say v, then the number of triangles is
We define B(v)=\sum_{(u,v)\in E}\sum_{(w,v)\in E}[(u,w)\in E], then there are tri=\sum_{v\in V}B(v) triangles.
thus a_{33}=3a_{23}+tri;
For p=4, there are three cases:
- We pick two edges that doesn’t have common vertices, and duplicate one of them. There are 3a_{24} ways;
- We pick a claw. Let’s enumerate the degree-3 vertex of the claw, say v, then there are \deg_v(\deg_v-1)(\deg_v-2) ways. The total answer is claw=\sum_{v\in V}\deg_v(\deg_v-1)(\deg_v-2).
- We pick a path of 4 vertices(P_4). Let’s enumerate the middle edge, suppose its endpoints are u and v. Then there are (\deg_u-1)(\deg_v-1) ways to pick the remaining two edges. We can rearrange the three edges in 6 ways, so the total answer is P_4=6\sum_{(u,v)\in E}(\deg_u-1)(\deg_v-1).
However every triangle is also counted 3 times, thus a_{34}=3a_{24}+claw+P_4-3\cdot tri.
For p=5, the only situation is P_2+P_3, i.e., two chains of 2 vertices and 3 vertices respectively. Let’s enumerate the midpoint of P_3, say, v. We can then enumerate v's two neighbors u and w, so the P_3 is u-v-w. How many edges could be the P_2? All edges that doesn’t have u,v,w as endpoints are eligible, so the number of valid P_2's is M-\deg_u-\deg_v-\deg_w+f(\{u,v,w\}), where f(\{u,v,w\})=[(u,v)\in E]+[(u,w)\in E]+[(v,w)\in E] is the number of edges that are counted twice in \deg_u+\deg_v+\deg_w. Notice that f(\{u,v,w\})=2+[(u,w)\in E], so the number of valid P_2's is M-\deg_u-\deg_v-\deg_w+2+[(u,w)\in E]. Thus we have
where B(v)=\sum_{(u,v)\in E}\sum_{(w,v)\in E}[(u,w)\in E] is defined above.
The rest situation p=6 is easy: we simply subtract what we calculated from M^3: a_{36}=M^3-a_{32}-a_{33}-a_{34}-a_{35}.
Everything can be solved in O(M) time, except the calculation for B(v). The time for computing B(v) is \sum_{v\in V}\deg_v^2=O(NM). That passes subtask 5.
Subtask 6
Author’s solution
Note that the bottleneck of the above algorithm is to calculate B. In fact, we have a simple algorithm for computing B(v) in O(M\sqrt{M}) time:
- First we can use hash tables to support the operation "check if an edge is in E" in constant time;
- Enumerate v\in V;
- If \deg_v\le \sqrt{M}, we use brute-force and the complexity is O(\deg_v^2)=O(\deg_v\sqrt{M});
- Otherwise \deg_v>\sqrt{M}, we enumerate all M edges and see if its two endpoints are both v's neighbors. This costs O(M)=O(\deg_v\sqrt{M}) time;
- The overall complexity is O(\sum_v\deg_v\sqrt{M})=O(M\sqrt{M}).
Tester’s solution
When computing B(v), we enumerate v's neighbor w, and count the number of common neighbors of v and w. This can be done in O(\frac{N}{64}) by using bitsets: we maintain a huge binary number mask_v for every vertex v. mask_v's w-th bit is 1 if and only if (v,w)\in E. Then to count the number of common neighbors of v and w, we perform “and” operation on the two masks and count the number of 1's in the result, i.e, (mask[v]&mask[w]).count()
The overall complexity is O(\frac{MN}{64}).
If your solution is different with ours, feel free to leave a comment.
Author’s solution can be found here.
Tester’s solution can be found here.