Suggestion : Disable October Challenge and Practice problems during ACM - ICPC Amritapuri Online Round on 11th October'15.

I want to suggest that codechef must disable submissions to practice problems and pause october challenge atleast few hours before and during the Amritapuri online round on 11th October’15. This will reduce load on servers and the website will run more smoothly. Similar steps are taken by codeforces during their important contests E.g during VK cup finals. I think codechef must look into this suggestion. Many teams didn’t participate in the Amritapuri practice round yesterday (9th october’15) because it was last year Amritapuri online round, so expect server load around twice as it was yesterday. October challenge can be extended by a day and people should be notified about this so that they don’t use the website for october challenge or practice problems during the online round which should me the first priority of codechef tomorrow.


totally agree with you. Just do not want anything to happen tomorrow because of problem in codechef site like hanging, server down or anything.

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CF never disabled an ongoing contest.

You’ve got to be careful with such things. If helping the competitors of the ICPC round inconveniences the competitors of October Challenge, the net gain is zero. Even though Challenges last 10 days, not everyone starts early (I usually don’t) and sometimes there’s a lot of submissions necessary to pass a problem which needs optimisations. Making it impossible to submit for a few hours, a day before the contest ends, isn’t fair to such people.

The best option would have been not hosting 2 important contests at the same time, of course. But since that isn’t possible, a compromise in limiting the number of submits per user per time, in both contests, would be appropriate.