spoj and codechef submission not working

I am not able to submit on codechef and spoj… but am able to view problems…
whenever i click submit on spoj … the submission page doesnt move to the status page…
pls… help me out… :frowning:

What is the error that you get on CodeChef? We see that submissions are happening.

when i click submit…
it doesnt submit . i know it is not happening for others , just wanted to know if anyone has faced this before , so as to know ,how to handle it.
the same happens with spoj too. Whenever i click “send” on spoj , the status page keeps loading but never loads. Pls help

Are you logged in? The submit button does not work on CodeChef, if you are not logged in. Try logging in and refresh the submit page before you click on the submit button. It should work.

yeah…i was logged in…
also yesterday it started working again…
but now i am facing the same trouble.