SIGSEGV error in my Transform the Expression Question solution

I couldn’t understand why I am getting a SIGSEGV for the Transform the Expression (Problem code: ONP) problem.Its providing the same output on my machine as in the example.Here is my code-

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char pop(int t);
void push(int c, int t);
int main()
	int z;
	scanf("%d", &z);
	char a[100][400];
	int i = 0;
	int q = z;
	while (q-- > 0)
		int t;
		for (t = 0; t < strlen(a[i]); t++)    //loop to put the values and signs in the 2 stacks
			if ((a[i][t] == '*') || (a[i][t] == '+') || (a[i][t] == '-') || (a[i][t] == '^'))
				push(a[i][t], 2);
			else if (a[i][t] == ')')
				int y = pop(2);
				push(y, 1);
				push(a[i][t], 1);
		int k = 0;
		char c;
		while ((c = pop(1)) !='\0')    //loop to put elements in the array v
			if (c != '(')
				a[i][k++] = c;
		a[i][k--] = '\0';
		int m;
		for (m=0; m != k; m++, k--)     
			char t = a[i][m];
			a[i][m] = a[i][k];
			a[i][k] = t;
	int p;
	for (p = 0; p <z ; p++)   
	return 0;
char ac[400];
char as[400];
int ic = 0;
int is = 0;
void push(int c,int t)
	if (t == 1 && ic != 400)
		ac[ic++] = c;
	else if (t == 2 && is != 400)
		as[is++] = c;
char pop(int t)
	if (t == 1 && ic != 0)
		return ac[--ic];
	if (t == 2 && is != 0)
		return as[--is];
	return '\0';

Please help in finding the problem in my solution.