Serious Bug in February Long challenge

There’s a serious problem!! There’s a bug in the challenge problem of FEB16. Anyone can view the solution of the challenge problem. My friend told me that even he can view my solution. He saw that some other user has also submitted the same code after after half an hour after I submitted the code. You can easily easy that his and mine code is same and I have submitted the code before. I use my own ubuntu terminal for coding.

@admin, Please look into the matter as soon as possible.

I just do not want to fall in the trap of plagiarism.


Hey likecs, We are not able to see any solutions. Were you logged in at the time when you showed your friend your solution? Also, can you send us some screenshots of such instances where you are able to see other participants’ submissions? We will look into the issue.


@admin, to whom should i mail the screenshots. Actuallt, one of my friend’s saw my solution and the solution of other user who copied my code. (you can see that from the time taken and points he got on the challenge problem).

you can send it to feedback[at]codechef[dot]com

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mail sent with the screenshot.

Yesterday I also seen his solution and one other person submitted the same code.

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@pallesai, thank you for some support.

Even I could see other people solution that day. Hope it never happens again.


Yep,i also saw his solution

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Thanks everyone for your support.


I hope this never happens again. :slight_smile:

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codechef should be careful with such things


Hope This never happens again .


I too support you.

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I hope this never happens again! (read: can I have some karma, too?)


I can support You as well.

I also heard from my students that all submissions was available to see by anyone at fist few hours when tie-breaker problem appear.

I’m sure that only other one (copy paste gay) will be disqualified!

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Im a little lost, what had happened ? Could he see only your solution or everyone’s ? Was this for all the problems ? :open_mouth:

Could we have a word from CodeChef as to what this bug was and how they fixed it. Also will this affect the ratings ?


I think you meant guy…

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i hope they dont make this an unrated event .

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Hi all,

The issue was caused due to my mistake. Users told me about it in the very first day when the challenge problem was added and it was corrected that day. At that point of time, there were only 4-6 solutions accepted mostly trivial (first attempt) solutions. So, I think it did not affect much the overall ranking much. I am really sorry for the trouble caused. Please let us know how we can help you recover if you are affected by the situation.