void updateLazy(int node, int start, int end, int L, int R){
if(lazy[node] == 1){ //i.e update curr node if lazy has been set previously
ST[node] = (end-start+1) - ST[node];
if(start != end){ //i.e if not a leaf then mark children
lazy[node<<1] = 1-lazy[node<<1];
lazy[(node<<1)+1] = 1-lazy[(node<<1)+1];
lazy[node] = 0;
if(L > end || R < start) return; // THIS LINE
if(start >= L && end <= R){ //segment inside range hence update
ST[node] = (end-start+1) - ST[node];
if(start != end){ //i.e if no leaf then mark children
lazy[node<<1] = 1-lazy[node<<1];
lazy[(node<<1)+1] = 1-lazy[(node<<1)+1];
return; //we donot go down the tree and update every node
update(node<<1, start, (start+end)>>1, L, R);
update((node<<1)+1, ((start+end)>>1)+1, end, L, R);
ST[node] = ST[node<<1] + ST[(node<<1)+1];
When using lazy update, why do I get wrong answer if I put
if(L > end || R < start) return;
first thing in the function.
If this current range is completely outside our required range, why are we concerned about performing pending updates on it?