SECPASS - Editorial



Author: Shivam Gor
Tester: Michael Nematollahi
Editorialist: Hussain Kara Fallah






Given a string S with length up to 10^5. You have to find a prefix of S that occurs the maximum number of times as a substring in S (among all prefixes). If there’s a tie, pick the longest prefix.


Clearly, the prefix consisting of the first letter alone occurs the maximum number of times among all prefixes. Because whatever is the answer prefix, the first letter is always a prefix of it. However, it’s not necessarily the longest one.

To find the longest one, let’s maintain a list of all appearances of our string’s first letter. Let’s say the prefix consisting of the first 2 letters has maximum occurrences as well, what condition should hold?

Answer: Every appearance of the string’s first letter must be followed immediately by the string’s second letter. If one of these appearances was followed by a different letter, then clearly the prefix consisting of 2 letters occurs fewer times. So what are the condition for lengths > 2? (think about it).

If our answer’s length is K then all appearances of the first letter must be followed by exactly the same K-1 letters. So after we maintain the list of appearances indices, we keep moving them forward simultaneously one letter at each step (scanning substrings which present a prefix) until some mismatch happens or the last index reaches the end of the string.

This solution runs in O(|S|)

We can prove that according to the fact, that our segments built by moving our pointers cannot ever intersect. If 2 of them intersected, it means that at least one of our pointers points to some index with corresponding letter equal to the string’s first letter. BUT when we started a substring from the last appearance of our string’s first letter, there’s no other appearance in front of it, so it’s guaranteed that there will be a mismatch (or it reached the end of the string).


AUTHOR’s solution

TESTER’s solution


Am I the only one who observed the problem poorly and overkilled it by using binary search and string hashing ?
Here is the solution link :

I did the same.

Soln with Z-algorithm

1 Like

I guess, Z-function was quite good for solving this problem


I solved it using binary search over length of prefix with KMP algorithm for pattern searching…
Solution Link

I used KMP search algorithm and binary search and hence the overall complexity was somewhat O((N+N+M)logN) or rather O((N+M)logN), multiplied the number of test cases. Can anyone say why is got itself TLEd? Or do I have no clue of the complexity?


  1. unordered_map
  2. use s.substr instead of pushing every element…

We have exactly same solution XD

I replaced my function of KMP algorithm for pattern searching with yours and it got accepted!

Boy I want to get my hands dirty with your resources XD.

XDD how !! I thought we both copied it from gfg…

I have size of LPS=M and you have NN

can someone explain me what is “Z-function” ? And how it’s related to this problem

shouldn’t it be O(|s| * log(|s|)) ?

Yes it should be… Typo… Thanks…

Try to search it on google

O(|S|*log(|S|)) * T must be tight for the time limit.

“We can prove that according to the fact, that our segments built by moving our pointers cannot ever intersect. If 2 of them intersected, it means that at least one of our pointers points to some index with corresponding letter equal to the string’s first letter”

Can someone please explain this part a bit more? (with an example maybe)

Can someone please help me find fault in my solution, I think I did the same thing as the editorial. Still got a tle.

I am returning to CP after a while so might be because my coding hands are rusty.

I think, I had to just break the loop in case of a mismatch, rather just removing those occurances