IIT Bombay should be banned from code chef , I opened the questions , I was just going through and trying to solve the first one , and suddenly noticed after a span of five minutes @meooow had the top spot with 5 solved accurately , I was surprised to see the ranklist , I just googled one of the questions , and got the code forces link , then the other ones also , I did not submit any , but @meooow being the moderator at codechef should have immediately reported such action to code chef and steps should have been taken immediately to take it off air. I wonder there might be a copyright case coming soon against code chef.
Moreover , I demand this contest to be scraped off the dashboard , and IITB although being one of the institutes should be banned from hosting any further contests at code-chef.
how can you close this question , I want the contest to be scrapped off, and yes being the moderator that was on your part to mail codechef, I guess they reply you faster then they reply us
There is already another thread about this.
And if you have any problem with me being a moderator I don’t see how I can help you. Please send a mail to Codechef.