This user had participated in the JAN14 long contest, The graph below shows the increase in rating but it still remains zero in the upper right side of the profile.

Is it because of the new rating system?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hmm… possibly as this was this user’s first contest appearence (welcome aboard btw), then possibly his ranking is still being infered and possibly on time of the Long Challenge of February all will be set…


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I have observed that the user ratings appear only after the user has participated in the first short contest. I have seen many cases like this but don’t have any idea why this happens.

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see this user’s his is updated

see this user’s his is updated

Everything about codechef rating system is already discussed at this link

This link will really help you.If you have any query about it then post comment at that post.

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thanks posted :slight_smile:

I think it depends on when the user registered. The user whose rating was updated started in december while the one without updation registered this month only.Might be because of that. Only a theory, dunno if its the actual reason.

@squal There is a possibility that this user might have got caught in cheating by admins & his account is been deactivated. Thus the no update in rating.

@squal @crucifix I dont think cheating is the reason. there have been several people who have complained about this in the past.I think it depends on when the user registered. The user whose rating was updated registered in december while the one without updation registered this month only. Might be because of that. Only a theory, dunno if its the actual reason.