Range of long int, int and long long int

In September lunchtime problem, Chef and easy problem A, The answer for subtask 2 is accepted only if long long int is used for taking input of range 10^9. On the other hand the october lunchtime problem - Physics Class, the range of input is 10^9, but the answer with data type ‘int’ is giving correct answer. Both solutions employ sorting. Can somebody explain why this discrepancy?

links would be nice :wink:

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Short answer is, that it depends also on output range not only the input range…

I don’t exactly remember the questions but saw my solutions, and the point of difference is in the first one we are adding numbers of the range 10^9. Now lets say you have 100 numbers each having value of 10^9, then the sum is 100*10^9 i.e. 10^11. i.e. my output variable can exceed the range of type of my input variables if number of terms i need to add is large. Hence, long long int. In the second one, we need to count the number of pairs and the maximum possible ans is nC2 cuz n maximum is 10^4, that will then fit in the range.


I think the range of output of both is within 10^5.

for this problem http://www.codechef.com/LTIME16/problems/CHEFA

the range of output is 10^5*10^9/2 , how can this fit into an integer .

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@mansigupta Its true for the PHYSICS question but not for the CHEFA. Maximum range for it is 10^9*(N)

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thanks all of you! :slight_smile: