Queries Regarding ICPC

My team rank is 557, college rank - 1, most probably would be selected to Amritapuri if not Kolkata.
Now, train tickets are getting exhausted. We would like to reserve tickets advance.

  1. Contest is on 28-29 Dec, on Amritapuri, Will It be OK if we report at 27th Dec around 11 PM? Or we have to report earlier?
  2. For @admin pls add questions to practice.
  3. Can anyone prepare expected rank list for the sites ( As I have seen some for previous year )

@vijju123 can u help me on first query ?

  1. You can report anytime you like but you would have to pay charges for staying if you reach there before 28th. Atleast last year we had to pay for gwalior. We reached to our site 2 days before.

@soham1234 answered it already.

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You will definitely qualify for KOLKATA-KANPUR site also. There are only 144 distinct Institutes till rank 557.So in worst case also you will be going to onsite round. I counted it by writing program. So you can be sure on your kolkata-kanpur region also.


Why is this being downvoted?

same question

Thanks a lot for finding it out for me. Can u please tell me how did you do it ?
By Web scraping or codechef API?

people are in a bad mood xD.


You are welcome. I did it by Web scrapping using Selenium webdriver in python3.

Please can you find the ending rank for Kharagpur regionals also?

@worldfinal our rank is 697 and we are first in our college, can you please tell if we would qualify for Gwalior and Kanpur respectively.
Thanks in advance.

Hi @worldfinal ,our team rank is 110 and we are second in our college.Can you please tell if we would qualify for Amritapuri site? Thanks.

Can you give me the code for that program ? I want to see how can we extract such information…
Please can u mail me at
[email protected]

Most probably be selected for Kolkata, But Gwalior is uncertain… Most probably be selected as I think most people registered for Amrita/Kolkata, so, teams before you registered for Gwalior might be less

Or maybe adding github link would be better. We all can see

Thanks @babangain !

I can’t find ending rank, but i can tell you how many distinct universities are there before your rank. If you tell me your rank i can tell you, how many different institutes are there before your rank.
For rank 697 there are 164 distinct universities before this rank. So I am certainly sure, you will get selected in both regionals

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Sorry, I can’t find ending rank, but i can tell you how many distinct universities are there before your rank. If you tell me your rank i can tell you, how many different institutes are there before your rank.
so i can only tell you that and can’t tell if your team is second in college.

@worldfinal ,our rank is 110.Can you tell how many distinct colleges are above us ?Our team is definitely second in our college as per the rank list.