Problem Link-
Many people have solved it by using the segment tree. Please tell how to solve this problem by using the concept of Segment Tree ?
Problem Link-
Many people have solved it by using the segment tree. Please tell how to solve this problem by using the concept of Segment Tree ?
Hello , I’ll try to explain explain my approach :
First of all let’s see how to solve the actual problem. it’s always optimal to flow the water from the hill with maximum height( heights are distinct ).So , for any interval we can find the maximum height of hill.If it’s position is at the start or at the end of the interval then , it can water all other hills , so this interval is done.Otherwise , we need to decide which part( left or right ) we will water & solve the same problem in other interval just the same way.This can be done recursively.
So , we need to find the maximum height of hill in a range fast enough , for that we can use Segment Tree or Sparse Table which supports range maximum query.I preferred Sparse Table over Segment Tree because the array values are fixed & there is no update operation.
Link to my submission :
Hope it helps you.Thnx for reading.