Problem with Lowest Sums

I am getting an NZEC error when submitting my solution to the Lowest Sums problem under the easy category for the practice problems and I cannot understand why. Using both Visual Studio and MonoDevelop and testing under the .NET and gcms (Mono) compilers for C#, the program runs correctly and works fine. However, using Mono, I get an error after the program is finished running - which does not occur when running the .NET debugger. The error I get is:
“Assertion at mono-threads-windows c:99 condition !mono_domain_get () not met”
The program runs correctly, and then that error message comes up. Below is my code:

using System;

namespace Lowest_Sums
	class Program
		static void Main(string[] args)
			string s_cases = Console.ReadLine();
			int cases = int.Parse(s_cases);
			for (int k = 0; k < cases; k++)
				string line1 = Console.ReadLine();
				string[] ln_split = line1.Split(' ');
				int chefs = int.Parse(ln_split[0]);
				int queries = int.Parse(ln_split[2]);
				int[] sums = new int[chefs * chefs];
				string s_satis = Console.ReadLine();
				string s_motiv = Console.ReadLine();
				string[] c_satisfaction = s_satis.Split(' ');
				string[] c_motivation = s_motiv.Split(' ');
				int curr_sum = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < chefs; i++)
					for (int l = 0; l < chefs; l++)
						int value1 = int.Parse(c_satisfaction[i]);
						int value2 = int.Parse(c_motivation[l]);
						sums[curr_sum] = (value1 + value2);
				int[] sums_sorted = MergeSort(sums);
				for (int j = 0; j < queries; j++)
					string s_n = Console.ReadLine();
					int n = int.Parse(s_n);
					Console.WriteLine(sums_sorted[n - 1]);

		static int[] MergeSort(int[] array)
			if (array.Length == 1)
				return array;
			int[] sorted = new int[array.Length];
			int mid = (int)(array.Length / 2);
			int[] left = new int[mid];
			int[] right = new int[array.Length - mid];
			for (int p = 0; p < mid; p++)
				left[p] = array[p];
			int counter = 0;
			for (int p = mid; p < array.Length; p++)
				right[counter] = array[p];
			left = MergeSort(left);
			right = MergeSort(right);
			int leftptr = 0, rightptr = 0;
			for (int k = 0; k < left.Length + right.Length; k++)
				if (leftptr == left.Length)
					sorted[k] = right[rightptr];
				else if (rightptr == right.Length)
					sorted[k] = left[leftptr];
				else if (left[leftptr] < right[rightptr])
					sorted[k] = left[leftptr];
					sorted[k] = right[rightptr];
			return sorted;


I’m using MergeSort to sort the final array. Thanks in advance.

@snake21 : You are allocating space = chefs * chefs . You will not be able to allocate so much space always , as value of chefs variable could be quite large .

There might be other problems with your code but your logic is certainly not optimal for the problem to be tackled successfully . Refer to the editorial for the optimal logic .

Okay, thanks. I prefer to try my hand at it first and then if I get really frustrated I read the editorials.