Prime Pattern

I have formed an algorithm and I am not able to optimize it to get the runtime in time. I guess my algorithm shouldn’t take a lot of time. Please suggest what I should I do to get it running in the time limit

def is_prime(k) :

    if k == 0 or k == 1 :
        return False
    for i in range(2, k) :
        if k % i == 0 :
            return False
    return True

def what_number(x, y) :
    if x == 0 and y == 0 :
        return 0
    elif x > 0 and abs(x) > abs(y) :
        if y > 0 :
            return ((2*x - 1) ** 2) + x + y - 1
        else :
            return ((2*x - 1) ** 2) + x - abs(y - 1)
    elif x < 0 and abs(x) >= abs(y) :
        return ((2 * x) ** 2) + abs(x) - y
    elif y > 0 and abs(y) >= abs(x) :
        return (y * ((4 * y) - 1) - x)
    elif y < 0 and abs(y) >= abs(x) :    
        return ((2 * abs(y)) * ((2 * abs(y)) + 1)) + x - y

t = int(input())
x, y = 0, 0
k = 0
inp = []

for i in range(t) :
    coord_string = input()
    x = int(coord_string[0 : coord_string.find(' ')])
    y = int(coord_string[coord_string.find(' ') + 1 : ])
    inp.append([x, y])
for ls in inp :
    x = ls[0]
    y = ls[1]
    e = [x - 1, y + 1]
    s = [x + 1, y + 1]
    w = [x + 1, y - 1]
    n = [x - 1, y - 1]
    k = 1
    dist = []
    while k :
        if is_prime(what_number(x, y)) :
        for i in range(0, k + 1) :
            if is_prime(what_number(e[0], e[1])) :
                (dist.append(abs(x - e[0]) + abs(y - e[1])))
            if is_prime(what_number(w[0], w[1])) :
                (dist.append(abs(x - w[0]) + abs(y - w[1])))
            if is_prime(what_number(n[0], n[1])) :
                (dist.append((abs(x - n[0]) + abs(y - n[1]))))
            if is_prime(what_number(s[0], s[1])) :
                (dist.append(abs(x - s[0]) + abs(y - s[1])))
            e[0] += 1
            s[1] -= 1
            w[0] -= 1
            n[1] += 1
        if len(dist) > 0 :
        n, e = e, n
        n, s = s, n
        n, w = w, n
        e = [e[0] - 1, e[1] + 1]
        s = [s[0] + 1, s[1] + 1]
        w = [w[0] + 1, w[1] - 1]
        n = [n[0] - 1, n[1] - 1]
        k = k + 2
    print (dist[0])

Also please can someone tell me whether this algo runs for all the values.