prime generator

how to generate all the prime numbers upto 1000000000 in 6 seconds using c++

Here the range is very large and U cannot Use Sieve of eratosthenes method for finding the primes instead U can Use rabin miller primality test method :slight_smile:

U can find the algorithm in the below link :slight_smile:

Rabin Miller Primality Test

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this is one of my friends solution which was AC on spoj in .21 secs…he used segmented sieve…proved to be quite fast…if u have ne doubt related to the code…ask here…i’ll tell him to explain it to you…also you can refer to this link…:slight_smile:

int main() {

long long int n,m;
int t;
scanf("%d",&t);         //no of test cases
bool* a=new bool[100001];
scanf("%lld %lld",&m,&n);
long long int l,u;
u=n;        //upper bound of the bool array
l=u-100000; //lower bound of the bool array
for(long long int i=2;i*i<=u;i++)
        for(long long int j=(l+i-1)/i;j*i<=u;j++) //to find a factor just greater than or equal to l 
                    a[i*j-l]=true;     //removing all factors(Segmented Sieve)
for(long long int i=m-l;i<=100000;i++)
    for(long long int i=2;i*i<=n;i++)
        for(long long int j=(m+i-1)/i;j*i<=n;j++)
for(long long int i=m;i<=n;i++)

return 0;

But this can’t be used to find all the primes at a time instead helps in finding the primes in particular range(<= 1000001) :wink: and Yes if @punsa meant prime generator question in spoj this is perfect :slight_smile:

for(long long int j=(l+i-1)/i;j*i<=u;j++) //to find a factor just greater than or equal to l
a[i*j-l]=true; //removing all factors(Segmented Sieve)

please explain this part…

The easiest way to to this is to check whether number is prime or not by following property:
A number n is prime if it is not divisible by numbers from 2 to sqrt(n). Remember do not calculate sqrt(n) during loop as it can cause TLE instead calculate sqrt(n) before loop.