Please find the flaw in the logic

For this simple codeforce problem
,my code is not running for any test case after clicking submit button.
while this code not my code is passing all the tc.
is there any flaw in the logic?

// aMinuteMan   *2017       this is my code
using namespace std;

#define ff          first
#define ss          second
#define pb          push_back
#define mp          make_pair
#define vi          vector<int>
#define ll          long long
#define pii         pair<int,int>
#define pll         pair<ll,ll>
#define inf         999999999
#define maxn        1000007     //1e6
#define mod         1000000007
#define all(c)      c.begin(),c.end()
#define isnum(a)    (a>=48 && a<=57)
#define rep(i,n)    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
#define mset(x,v)   memset(x,v,sizeof(x))
#define ischar(a)   (a>='a' && a<='z')
#define isChar(a)   (a>='A' && a<='Z')
#define setbits(x)  __builtin_popcount(x)  //number of set bits
#define fastcin     ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL);

int main() {
       //freopen("inp.txt", "r", stdin);

    int t=1;
        int n,k;
        int strt=n*(k-1)+1;
        int maxsm = strt;
        int ans = 0;
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
        int minid = 1;
        int maxid = strt+1;
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
            for(int j=1;j<k;j++){
                cout<<minid<<" ";
            cout<<strt<<" ";
            for(int j=0;j<n-k;j++){
                    cout<<maxid<<" ";
    return 0;

can someone find the flaw in the logic.
my code doesn’t even run on codeforce(nothing happens when i click the submit button, but it instantly runs for other code) so i am able to tell which test case doesnt pass, but it gives correct result on computer.

Is this the full code or a snippet? If this is a snippet, just check for things like return 0 etc. in main code.

BTW, ran your code on codechef IDE-

Remove that part of

**/// my code**

It gave me compilation error. Aside from that your code is passing sample test cases. What I recommend is check the Q again in case it specifies some particular name for function or etc. Cause from what I think, your program is facing a compilation error there. Try re-submitting after making these changes and get back to me with the result. If still it gives WA, I will try thinking of corner cases for you. :slight_smile:

EDIT- That snippet was doing fine, but on running your full code, I am getting weird output-

Status- Runtime Error


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And so on till codechef IDE terminates your program for crossing output limit. Please check for your input/output, or possibility of infinite loop in the program. :slight_smile:

added the full code in the question. my code is compiling.

Yes, now your code is working nicely. Did you try to submit it? Is it still giving error?

submit botton doesnt seem to work. when i click it nothing happens. it doesnt even compile. but when i submit someone else’s code it instantly get compiles. i have given the link of the code that got submitted at the top.
i dont understand why my code doesnt even run for any tc after clicking submit button.

Yes, I myself tried doing so. Are you submitting it via file browsing? Which IDE are you using?

Compile your code in GNU C++14. Your code has been accepted. See your Accepted code.

Yup, even I felt it was some compilation issue or stuff. Cause his program passed every test case I could come up with. So it needed to get compiled on GNU C++14, thanks dear! I was really confused as such why his code wasn’t working!! :slight_smile:

thanks for your input guys. finally codeforce ran my code after many attempts. i dont know why codeforce has this problem(not running my code after clicking submit). i am wasting my time this way on codeforce.