output of the programme



int i=2; if(i+=2 && i==9)

printf("true %d ",i);

else printf("false %d ",i);


Excepted output: False 4

Actual output: True 2

according to your code thre is 2 condition in the if statement, but if(i+=2)it’s not even a condition. First do the incrmnt then check.

but this code is working perfectly for condition

if(i=i+5 )

giving output

True 4

okay…now i am guessing something…

lets start…

first the compiler will take i+=2;

then i will be equal to 4…

then it will consider the bitwise AND operator “&&” with “9”…

ans bitwise AND operator of "4 AND 9 " is equal to 1…

thus if statement will work as it has if(1)…(1 in it)…

ans thus it will print true 2…

like it if you agree… -_- …


Okay i got it…
Since == has higher precedence,

–> i==9 wil return 0

–> Then comes && with precedence higher than +=, so 2 && 0 is 0

–> and at last i+=0 is i itself;

[[ So Output was True 2. ]]

alt text


thnks buddy, i thnk u r ri8,but i hv one more problm.

If i change the code little bit ,like

if(i=i+2 && i==9)
then again , i==9 gives 0 first.and then 2&&0 give 0
then i=i+0 gives true value.So,the value must be printed is “Yes 2”
but it prints “NO 0”. Plz can u explain this to me?

i dnt think bro,bcz here we are comparing 9 with i(i==9) not comparing 9 with 4. The && operation is performed on the result of i==9.
I thnk the explanation given below by rishabhprsd7 is correct. but agan we have one new problem,mention in my comment to rishabhprsd7


Sorry didn’t had enough space in comment box to reply at your comment, So i am posting the explanation of next part here,

First Check this link :

Here you can observe that + - (Unary plus/minus), has greater precedence than == which i didn’t included in above screenshot.

So Now consider,

–> In condition, i=i+2 && i==9, “+” has highest precedence, so after addition operation exp will become,

–> i=4 && i==9, now comes i==9, as “==” has higher prece. than “”= and “&&”, that will again return 0

–> Exp. Becomes i=4 && 0. Then logical and “&&” has higher precedence than Assignment “=”

–> So 4 && 0 will be next condition which will return 0,

–> At last final expression will become i=0 and so 0 will be assigned to i

–> Now, I think since value of i is 0, if condition terminates, sending the control to else statement and thus final ans we get is,
false 0.

I think this would be the case… :slight_smile:

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if(i=i+2 && i==9) then again , i==9
gives 0 first.and then 2&&0 give 0
then i=i+0 gives true value.So,the
value must be printed is “Yes 2” but
it prints “NO 0”. Plz can u explain
this to me?

It should be interpreted as if(i = (i + 2) && (i == 9))

so i == 9 gives 0 first.

(i + 2) && 0 gives 0.

So i = 0, so result is NO 0.

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okay…i got it…