Hey guys, sorry for the late post first of all. I hope you liked today’s session(whoever have attended :P). From now on, sessions like this will be held every Friday and contests every Wednesday.
Also, I mentioned a “point system” in class today. This will be used by us to give out prizes to the “Programmer of the month” every month. Below are the ways you can gain the points:
- For each contest, for each user, points += total number of participants - his/her rank.
- Points += 2 if he/she solves any problem in the contest before anyone else(Solve = Solve fully)
- Points += 1 if he/she has the greatest amount of points in the contest for each problem (will not be awarded to anyone if it’s a tie).
- Each month your gain in karma in Codechef Discuss divided by 5 will be added to your score(karma only for that month).
- If he/she solves the problem of the day, points += 5. The problem of the day is available here
- We need to find good teachers, so students who would help other students learn could make videos explaining what is wrong with their code. These students could further be helpful in teaching juniors the basics of programming. Points += 2. (This will be subjective.)
- Contributing a good problem for next contest. Points += (Will be decided based on how good and hard the problem is) (NOTE: He/she won’t be allowed to participate in the contest though).
- For each month the guy/girl who stands first in the leaderboard will be featured as the programmer of the month and possibly given goodies
- be featured on our website.
- be given goodies.
- be given a badge with bragging rights for the month :3
- Every 3 months, the member with the highest average score in the 3 months will be given 300 laddus by Codechef. You can learn more about laddus [here](https://blog.codechef.com/2017/03/03/new-goodies-new-categories-new-prizes-every-contest/)
- Participants of the Internationals(4 students selected):
- Direct admission to National University of Singapore.
- Direct admission to Nanyang Technological University.
- Direct admission to the Faculty of Mathematics in University of Waterloo with full scholarship and no bonds. More details here: https://uwaterloo.ca/future-students/financing/scholarships#math
- Gold medallists get direct admission with full scholarship and living allownace of 50,000 HKD per year from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
- Scholarships available for admission in School of Computer Science and Engineering in University of New South Wales, Sydney.
- The following Universities are known to give admissions to the IOI participants.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- California Institute of Technology
- Stanford University
- University of California, Berkeley
- Harvard University
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Princeton University
- Direct admission to Chennai Mathematical Institute.
- Interview in International Institute in Information Technology, Hyderabad.
- Codechef Go For Gold Awards for a medallist.(Only the prize money and the trophy is for a Gold Medallist, that means all medallists get a laptop and other additional prizes and the Gold Medallist gets the Prize money of 11 lakhs.)
- KVPY Scholarship.
- Participation in the IOI Training Camp(about 30 students selected):
- Direct admission to Chennai Mathematical Institute
- Interview opportunity in International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad
- Lower cutoff in JEE for admission into Indraprastha Institute in Information Technology
Interested students please do let me know via mail([email protected]). The registration fees is 400 per person.
If the number of interested students is greater than 20, we would train them only for the olympiads. Other students may not attend the sessions and opt out temporarily. But do remember, entering into the world of olympiads is a huge commitment. You need to solve more problems than you currently do. However, you should note that this won’t hinder your JEE and Boards preparation; in fact, I’m doing all of that too.
Also, it’s not very hard if you give it a month. Yes ONLY ONE MONTH, if you practice hard enough, you can make it to the nationals. Then on you may need even more practice but eventually, its not very hard to make it right now. I myself started from October last year after the INOI(Indian National Olympiad in Informatics) workshop in IIIT Delhi and made it to the nationals and even scored a 100 in the nationals!
Lastly, please do create a codechef account to be able to comment and post here and also to feature in the Leaderboards. You are practically non-existent in the club if you do not have a Codechef account. Mail me your username once you are done with the registration.
Coming to the contents of today’s class for those who missed, we discussed a few problems, introduced how judges work and all, learnt “Prefix Sums Technique” and solved a previous year ZCO problem(partially). If you guys have any doubts unresolved, you may mail me or ping me up on facebook.
For practicing, you may start with the problems here.
NOTE: You cannot use Turbo C++ for submissions as it has been stopped being supported by its own parent company Borland in 2002. Only GNUC++ is supported and it’s recommended you use GNU C++11 for your purposes. For running your code on your system, download Dev C++ and use it. For the transition you will need some help which you will find here: http://foobar.iiitd.edu.in/turbo.pdf
Even now if you face ANY kind of problems, do not shy away to ping me up or mail me.
Istasis Mishra(@ista2000)
Competitive Programming Head of Department