offline source for beginners

i wished to know , whether it is ok to start with CLSR , being new to coding,coz , the competitions which i have yet participated in, and the problems which i have yet solved, need implementation , rather than the deep analysis of the algorithm we are using… so can anyone suggest some good offline source which i can refer for being good at implementation part or should i go on with the CLSR?

algorithm plays a big role,which u will get with practise
but u should do practice(easy ) problems as many as possible…
which is sufficient to get started

algorithm plays a big role,which u will get with practise but u should do practice(easy ) problems as many as possible… which is sufficient to get started

Okay i don’t know what happened to @eisenhover comment…But he was right read clrs and practice that topic on codechef…!!

btw you may download algorithm videos here : .

Here you may find course rating: .

Best of Luck… :slight_smile:

you can learn the implementation part from websites such as

and many others. Hope it helps!

here is offline version of codechef , you can practice offline and then submit then when you get time :-

[github codechef offline][1]

here is also a offline version of geeksforgeeks for learning DS and algorithms .

[geeksforgeeks offline][2]


I deleted my answer when I realised the question is more than a year old, and the asker has probably finished the book by now. :smiley:

ohhkk i didn’t observed that…
But you should not delete your comment as it may help others too you would have been facing similar kind of problem…:slight_smile: