October challenge rank for ICPC Students,Eligibility check for reimbursement

I wanted to know how can I check if I am eligible for the reimbursement for the travelling expenses for the ICPC Regional Site(If I got selected).

As it say at this link : [ICPC Codechef 2017][1]

“ACM-ICPC travel reimbursement for 75 Indian students from the September and October Cook-Off 2016’s respectively.”

“Top 50 participants from September Cook-Off 2016 will be eligible for reimbursement, while new top 25 participants will be selected from October Cook-Off 2016.”

My rank is 53 overall and 31st country rank.

As it says new Top 25 participants will be selected from October, so how can I know that there are few old students above me or not?(If I am lucky :slight_smile: )

[1]: https://www.codechef.com/icpc/2017