Not able to authorize the codechef Api

I am facing an issue wherein when i make a get request to through postman the status code is 200 but on postman developer console i get this error

"Blocked script execution in ‘file:///C:/Users/AppData/Local/Temp/25629763-3992-49e8-bda8-f8849b8fc1b9-response.html’ because the document’s frame is sandboxed and the ‘allow-scripts’ permission is not set."

Also the authorization page does not load completely.
Please help me out with this.


Were you able to figure this out ?

This seems to be an issue at your end. Do you have anything which you load as plain html, directly accessing through file in a browser instead of serving it via web server ?

No still not able to resolve this.
Yes plain html file in a browser works fine.