@sb_2015 @akshath123 CodeChef is for every user that knows how to operate a computer and can write a simple “Hello World” console program. 
Learn the beauty of Coding. Dont take coding as a compulsion, take it as you are enjoying things.
I will tell you my case:
I discovered the world of competitive programming when I was in my 12th standard! Pretty Late uh! In my city and school, there was no craze for these things. In my syllabus was simple Bubble Sorting, and linear searching, reversing, finding palindromes, etc etc, all that you don’t need here. 
I started solving the Life, the Universe, and Everything and I got NZEC error. I was only familiar with the Complie Error that a compiler displays. Lol 
After some days I again solved that problem, and then I got to know that I simply had to check the number “42” and end the program else display the number inputted.
I then started enjoying Coding here. I filled up the ZCO form ( compulsory for IOI ) and qualified it easily, as at that time practise made me that much capable as I had seen many such problems and wqas familiar with the type of solutions. I was qualified for the Indian National Olympiad of Informatics and I qualified that too! In the training camp! I understood the concepts but as I was a Newbie and was not familiar with Graph Theory at All and tuffer DP Problems, I was not selected for the Indian Team at IOI.
I was pretty sad, because it was my last turn for IOI as I came to know it after Pretty Long 9th, 10th, 11th stardard.
I again started practising, and now I am doing my first year BTech only to Qualify for the ACM ICPC World Finals I know my Journey seemed to be quite weird, but this is the way I learnt coding and programming!
I am not a Pro like, Tourist, ACRush, uwi, and all my other friends, but I am learning today too!
There is no age of learning! Practise, Learn! Practise! Repeat! that is the only Mantra!
Happy Coding!