need help in Nuclear Reactors problem!!

I am not able to understand how people are finding out number of particle by using mod Can anyone please explain this logic?

As is clearly evident, if you go about solving the problem the naive way, it would create a horrendously messy code. So, thinking it over a bit, you can arrive at a simple solution:

The count of each chamber goes from 0 to 0 once (n + 1) particles get bombarded in it. For the first chamber, incoming number of particles: a, which can be written as

a = q * (n + 1) + (a % (n + 1)) 

For the q packets containing (n + 1) particles each, the count in the 1st chamber remains 0. Therefore, finally a % (n + 1) particles reside in the 1st chamber. For, the second chamber, 1st chamber is the source: Let b number of particles comes from 1st chamber to 2nd, then you should have b % (n + 1) particles in 2nd chamber by same logic. Express b in terms of a (now its easy!..its q i.e. a / (n + 1)). For the third chamber, second one is the source and so on.

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I had read this before in comments…but this is what me not able to understand…this is fine that
“for q packets containing (n+1) particles each,the count in the 1st chamber remains 0”,but how the left particle that reside in 1st chamber is a%(n+1)particles??

Maybe that helps. You are solving problem for A, N and K, but when you found that chamber with index 0 has A%(N+1) particles, you are solving same problem, but with new A = A/(N+1), N is the same and new K is K-1

Try to understand it this way: a particles are bombarded. First q * ( n + 1) particles come and then a (n + 1) particles come. For the first q * ( n + 1 ) particles the count remains 0. For the next a ( n + 1) particles the count remains a (n + 1) because a (n + 1) < (n + 1) and it takes at least (n + 1) particles for the count of any chamber to fall to 0.


suppose input:
25 4 4
that means A=25(bombarded particles), N=4(capacity of chamber), K=4(number of chambers)
step-by-step illustration of chambers with consisting particles in it:
1: 1 0 0 0
2: 2 0 0 0
3: 3 0 0 0
4: 4 0 0 0
5: 0 1 0 0
6: 1 1 0 0
7: 2 1 0 0
8: 3 1 0 0
9: 4 1 0 0
10: 0 2 0 0
11: 1 2 0 0
12: 2 2 0 0
13: 3 2 0 0
14: 4 2 0 0
15: 0 3 0 0
16: 1 3 0 0
17: 2 3 0 0
18: 3 3 0 0
19: 4 3 0 0
20: 0 4 0 0
21: 1 4 0 0
22: 2 4 0 0
23: 3 4 0 0
24: 4 4 0 0
25: 0 0 1 0
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