Can someone maybe point out the mistake(s) in my code, i know it isn’t the most efficient but that’s not the biggest problem since i get WA when i try to submit, i have used other succesful submissions to check my result and i get the same with my code, i don’t think it is a problem with how i return the answer but i am not sure.
Thanks for any help
def themovie():
x = int(input()) # number of tests
for z in range(x):
n = int(input()) # number of movies
L = list(map(int, input().split())) # movie length
if len(L) != n: # check movie length arguments
R = list(map(int, input().split())) # movie rating
if len(R) != n: # check movie rating arguments
res = [L[x]*R[x] for x in range(n)] # movie score
best = max(res) # highest movie score
if res.count(best) > 1: # check if multiple movies with the highest score
extra = {}
for i in range(n):
if res[i] == best:
extra["%d" %(R[i])] = i # store the best movies ratings and index
best = max(extra) # check what movie has the highest rating
print(extra[best] + 1)
print(res.index(best) + 1)