Setter- Igor Barenblat
Tester- Misha Chorniy
Editorialist- Abhishek Pandey
Given N pairs of integers, find a sub-set of maximum size such that min(a_1,a_2,...,a_k) \ge \large \frac{b_1+b_2+..+b_k}{k}
Key to Success- A good grasp over segment tree, implementing it properly and/or good debugging skills can help you get an AC. Implementation practice is a must.
We make 2 arrays of pairs. The first one, Arr[] will store the pair \{a_i,b_i\} and second one index[] will store \{b_i,i\} (where i is the index). We now sort both these arrays. Starting from end of Arr[] (i.e. from the pair with maximum A_i to pair with minimum A_i [helps avoiding finding the minimum A_i every time] ) we try to find maximum number of \sum_{i=1}^{i=k}b_i such that k*A_i \ge \sum_{i=1}^{i=k}b_i which can be done using segment tree.
This editorial is divided into 2-3 sections. The first section will describe the concept and thinking process to solve the question. The second one will brief about implementation as I find it tricky solution. We will refer to tester @mgch solution for that.
The concept involved will discuss-
- What to store in segment tree?
- How will we store and why it works?
- Query and Updates. Implementation is integrated with this section.
1.What to store in segment tree-
I acknowledge that we can approach this problem in many ways. We will discuss tester’s approach here.
He decided to store 2 things- \sum_{i=l}^{i=r}b_i in that range, and r-l+1 (i.e. sum of b_i and number of elements in the given range). Instead of storing them in a single node, he made 2 arrays for that. Please dont get confused by that
2.How we will store and why it works-
We made 2 arrays Arr[] and Index[]. We will store sorted \sum_{i=l}^{i=r}b_i in the nodes. What does this mean and why does it work?
Lets first discuss the proof that its correct and then discuss further working.
Oh no! You hear that alarm? It means its time for some hand exercises! Grab your pen and paper and lets get to it :).
Q- Given a sorted array C[] such that C_1 \le C_2 \le C_3 \le ... \le C_k, prove that C_1 \large \le \frac{(C_1+C_2)}{2} \le \frac{(C_1+C_2+C_3)}{3}....
I think the standard mathematics proof is simple. Let me give an intuitional proof! Its given in tab below so that it doesnt give spoilers to those who want to give a try!
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Lets try to prove C_1 \le \frac{C_1+C_2}{2}
We know that C_1 \le C_2. Hence, we can write C_2=C_1+p where p \ge 0. Now, compare the L.H.S. and the R.H.S.
We have-
C_1 \le \frac{C_1 +C_2}{2}
\implies C_1 \le \frac{C_1+(C_1+p)}{2}
\implies C_1 \le \frac{2*C_1+p}{2}
\implies C_1 \le C_1 + p/2
\because p\ge 0 , the inequality is true for this case.
Similarly we can extend this argument for other cases like \frac{(C_1+C_2)}{2} \le \frac{(C_1+C_2+C_3)}{3}
The tester’s proof will be given in Chef Vijju’s corner.
Now, keeping the ahead proof in mind, and our objective to find the maximum size of set, we will query for maximum k such that \sum_{j=1}^{j=k}b_j +B_i \le (k+1)*A_i. Here \sum_{j=1}^{j=k}b_j are already in the tree, and we are querying for pair \{A_i,B_i\}
Why (k+1)*A_i? Where did the division go? What is this A_i? How is this minimum?
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Our constraint is-
min(a_1,a_2,...,a_{k+1}) \ge \large \frac{b_1+b_2+..+b_{k+1}}{k+1}
Cross Multiply k+1- (Since k \ge 0 the sign will not be reversed)
\implies (k+1)*min(a_1,a_2,...,a_{k+1}) \ge \sum_{j=1}^{j=k}b_j+B_{k+1}
Also, we are iterating backwards. Meaning, we are starting from maximum A_i to the minimum A_i. Hence, the current A_i is the minimum one - no need to waste operations finding the minimum A_i!!
The required query is standard. But wait! How do we guarantee that the B_i chosen are only from the pairs such that their A_i are greater than or equal to the current A_i we are using this as minimum? This will be discussed in next section, where we will complete whats exactly stored in the tree and how/why it works. Make sure that the question/proof given to you above is clear!
3. Query and Update-
Now, you guys would be at least a little confused. Things were going smooothly but then this evil editorialist threw up an evil question on your face
Well, turns out its simple to fix as well!
Instead of building tree at once, we build it step by step. What we do, is, that the tree is initially empty.
As we iterative from pairs with maximum A_i to minimum A_i, we add the B_i to the tree by updating the tree.
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Lets dry run over 2 iterations to understand.
First iteration- The tree is empty. The first query happens with pair which has maximum A_i. Since the tree is empty, the first query returns 1 if A_i\ge B_i else we get 0
We know find what index/range in tree to update (using index[] array which has B_i sorted in the required order). We update the leaf and parent nodes. Now B_i has been added to tree. The tree, which was initially empty, now has B_i
I think now you guys can predict what happens in second iteration. You may want to go above at the find paragraph of Section 2. to dry run it
Reference code is below-
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//For all i from n-1 to 0 (we sorted the pairs already!)
//Do query
//Now we have to update. See code below.
int where = lower_bound(idx.begin(), idx.end(), make_pair(f[i].second, i)) - idx.begin();//Find required position. idx=index array
upd(where, +f[i].second);
What do we do in update function? For that, lets first discuss relation between parent and child.
Recall that we are storing "storing sorted \sum_{i=l}^{i=r}b_i, and the number of elements (for convenience purposes only)in the nodes". So, what can the relation be? If we know the information in [L,mid] and the information in [mid+1,R], how can we calculate information for [L,R]??
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We are storing the sum of elements in range [L,R] and number of elements in that range. Hence, the relation is-
Sum in range [L,R]=Sum in range [L,mid]+Sum in range [mid+1,R]
Same for the number of elements. (Its stored only for convenience)
Can you now, knowing the relation between nodes, try to frame the update and query function? In update function you have to update correct leaf and hence its parents, and in query you must obtain the result. Reference codes of tester (iterative) are given below. do try to put them in recursive for practice
upd function is given below-
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void upd(int r, int val) {
r += sz;//From leaf
t[r] += val;//t stores sum of Bi
c[r] += 1;//Stores number of elements in range
while (r > 1) {
t[r >> 1] = t[r] + t[r ^ 1];//Parent child=Stats of Left Child+Stats of Right Child
c[r >> 1] = c[r] + c[r ^ 1];
r >>= 1;
The query function is also easy. The tester used iterative segment tree. The query function (along with update) is given below-
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for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {//For all pairs from n-1 to 0
if (f[i].first >= f[i].second) {
ans = max(ans, 1);//Ans at least 1 if Ai>=Bi
long long cur = f[i].second;
int now = 1, root = 1;//Root is 1.
while (root < sz) {//sz=size of tree
//Even child (2n) has lesser sum than (2n+1) child.
if ((t[root] + cur) <= 1LL * (c[root] + now) * f[i].first) {
now += c[root];//Now= current Ans
ans = max(ans, now);
root <<= 1;//Check the child
if ((t[root] + cur) <= 1LL * (c[root] + now) * f[i].first) {
now += c[root];
cur += t[root];//Curr=Sum Bi till now
ans = max(ans, now);
root |= 1;//equivalent to root+=1. Done to check odd child in next iteration
//After querying, add the Bi to the tree.
int where = lower_bound(idx.begin(), idx.end(), make_pair(f[i].second, i)) - idx.begin();
upd(where, +f[i].second);
Now your turn! Refer to tester’s code. Right now, you might feel its easy to do. Try writing your own recursive version of the code! You will face a few (or many) WA, dont worry. Debug them, that will give you tremendous improvement. Refer to editorial, ask doubts! Dont get disheartened by WAs :). Debugging segment tree sometimes give headaches even to red coders, so practice the proper implementation by writing the recusrive solution!
The codes which I received are pasted below for reference. This is done so that you dont have to wait for @admin to link solutions up. Please copy them and paste at a place where you are comfortable to read :).
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#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int MaxN = 4e5 + 15;
const int INF = 1e9;
pair<long long, int> tree[MaxN * 32];
int sz;
int L[MaxN * 32], R[MaxN * 32];
int findRes(int x, int l, int r, int k, pair<long long, int> cur)
return cur.second;
if(l == r)
int ll = 0;
int rr = tree[x].second;
int res = 0;
while(ll <= rr)
int mid = (ll + rr) / 2;
if(cur.first + l * 1ll * mid <= k * 1ll * (mid + cur.second))
res = mid;
ll = mid + 1;
rr = mid - 1;
return cur.second + res;
int mid = (l + r) / 2;
if(cur.first + tree[L[x]].first <= k * 1ll * (tree[L[x]].second + cur.second))
cur.first += tree[L[x]].first;
cur.second += tree[L[x]].second;
return findRes(R[x], mid + 1, r, k, cur);
return findRes(L[x], l, mid, k, cur);
void up(int x, int l, int r, int pos)
if(l == r)
tree[x].first += l;
int mid = (l + r) / 2;
if(mid >= pos)
L[x] = ++sz;
up(L[x], l, mid, pos);
R[x] = ++sz;
up(R[x], mid + 1, r, pos);
tree[x].first = tree[L[x]].first + tree[R[x]].first;
tree[x].second = tree[L[x]].second + tree[R[x]].second;
void solve()
//freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
//freopen("output.txt", "w", stdout);
vector <pair<int, int> > a;
int n;
cin >> n;
int root=++sz;
for(auto & x : a)
cin >> x.first >> x.second;
sort(a.begin(), a.end());
reverse(a.begin(), a.end());
int ans = 0;
for(auto x : a)
up(root, 1, INF, x.second);
ans = max(ans, findRes(root, 1, INF, x.first, {0, 0}));
cout << ans << '\n';
int main()
int test;
while (test--){
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#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int MaxN = (int)4e5 + 10;
const int MOD = (int)1e9 + 7;
const int INF = 1e9;
int n;
pair < int, int > f[MaxN];
int c[1 << 20], sz;
long long t[1 << 20];
long long readInt(long long l,long long r,char endd){
long long x=0;
int cnt=0;
int fi=-1;
bool is_neg=false;
char g=getchar();
if('0'<=g && g<='9'){
assert(fi!=0 || cnt==1);
assert(fi!=0 || is_neg==false);
assert(!(cnt>19 || ( cnt==19 && fi>1) ));
} else if(g==endd){
x= -x;
assert(l<=x && x<=r);
return x;
} else {
string readString(int l,int r,char endd){
string ret="";
int cnt=0;
char g=getchar();
assert(l<=cnt && cnt<=r);
return ret;
long long readIntSp(long long l,long long r){
return readInt(l,r,' ');
long long readIntLn(long long l,long long r){
return readInt(l,r,'\n');
string readStringLn(int l,int r){
return readString(l,r,'\n');
string readStringSp(int l,int r){
return readString(l,r,' ');
void upd(int r, int val) {
r += sz;
t[r] += val;
c[r] += 1;
while (r > 1) {
t[r >> 1] = t[r] + t[r ^ 1];
c[r >> 1] = c[r] + c[r ^ 1];
r >>= 1;
int en;
void solve() {
// scanf("%d", &n);
n = readIntLn(1, 4e5);
en += n;
assert (en <= 4e5);
// k * min(a1, a2, ..., ai) >= b1 + ... + bi
vector < pair < int, int > > idx(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
f[i].first = readIntSp(1, 1e9);
f[i].second = readIntLn(1, 1e9);
// scanf("%d%d", &f[i].first, &f[i].second);
sort(f, f + n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
idx[i] = make_pair(f[i].second, i);
sz = 1;
while (sz < n) {
sz *= 2;
sort(idx.begin(), idx.end());
for (int i = 0; i < 2 * sz; ++i) {
t[i] = c[i] = 0;
int ans = 0;
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (f[i].first >= f[i].second) {
ans = max(ans, 1);
long long cur = f[i].second;
int now = 1, root = 1;
while (root < sz) {
if ((t[root] + cur) <= 1LL * (c[root] + now) * f[i].first) {
now += c[root];
ans = max(ans, now);
root <<= 1;
if ((t[root] + cur) <= 1LL * (c[root] + now) * f[i].first) {
now += c[root];
cur += t[root];
ans = max(ans, now);
root |= 1;
int where = lower_bound(idx.begin(), idx.end(), make_pair(f[i].second, i)) - idx.begin();
upd(where, +f[i].second);
printf("%d\n", ans);
int main() {
// freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
int t = readIntLn(1, 1e3);
while (t --> 0) {
assert (getchar() == EOF);
return 0;
Editorialist’s solution will be put on demand.
Edit- A lot of people have been expressing their unability to be able to come up with a recursive function of tester’s solution. Its ok, its a part of learning. I will update editorialist’s solution for you to cross check. The code also has some questions related to implementation. Further, I have added one test file in test case bank. Its huge, but it was the most trickiest one, so I hope it helps. Please mail me/ping me if there are ANY concerns. Thank you
Editorialist’s Solution (Recursive Segment Tree)
Time complexity= O(NlogN)
1. I mentioned a line in the comments of query function. //Even child (2n) has lesser sum than (2n+1) child.
. Prove this. Hint in tab below. (You may assume same number of terms in both nodes)
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B_i are sorted! Also, even child stores sum from range [l,mid] and odd child stores from [mid+1,r]. Assume their sizes are same (i.e mid-l+1==r-mid).
2. Tester’s Notes-
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Sort all pairs increasing by (A_i, B_i). We’re trying to fix the element with minimal A_i.
After that, let’s take all (A_j, B_j) \ge (A_i, B_i), let’s sort them by B and consider only B's.
Now we’re interested in finding the maximal K such that A_i >= (B_1+...+B_k+B_i) / (K + 1). It can be done with some logarithmic search on a segment tree with compressed coordinates of array B.
Prove it: if you have sorted array C = (C_1, C_2, ..., C_k). Now, C_1 / 1 \le (C_1 + C_2) / 2 \le (C_1 + C_2 + C_3) / 3 \le... \le (C_1 + ... + C_k) / k.
Once again, let’s fix A_i (i = n..1) one by one and maintain all sorted B(j = i+1..n) in segment tree. Let’s find the largest k such (C_1+...+C_k+B_i)/(K+1) \le A_i. Make sure that ST contains exactly {2}^{l} leaves.
3. Tester’s Proof-
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Okay, (C_1+...+C_i)/i \le (C_1+...+C_{i+1})/(i+1), C_1 <= C_2 <= ... <= C_{i+1}
Let’s prove it:
(C_1+...+C_i)/i*(i+1) \le C_1+ ... + C_{i+1}
(C_1+...+C_i)*1/i \le C_{i+1}
(C_1+...+C_i)*1/i \le (C_{i+1}+...+C_{i+1})*1/i
0 \le 1/i((C_{i+1} - C_{1}), + ... + (C_{i+1} - C_{i}))
I hope it’s clear
4. Read tester’s notes. He said something about “Tree must have {2}^{l} leaves” for his iterative version to work. Why?
5. Refer to tester’s solution. Try to write a recursive solution to the same.
6. Test Case Bank-
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Tester’s Suggestion- Be careful when ALL elements are included and when answer is 0!!
All test cases were huge. Give me some solutions to analyze and we will add it. Community requested to contribute by giving any failing case in format-
Expected Output
Cause of Error
One of extra test case from setter-
10 1
10 5
5 4
3 9
6 9
10 3
1 5
5 3
3 6
2 1
9 10
5 10
2 4
8 1
1 1
10 7
10 10
5 3
6 9
1 5
Official Test Case (one of the files)- Uploaded on my github. Pastebin etc. were not allowing pasting a file this big. Link-
7. OMG YOU READ TILL HERE? Here, I have an awesome blog on segment trees for you . Click here
8. Related Problems-
- Set of Questions
One question from Hackerearth. Check out their section for more! Refer to my previous segment tree editorials as well for more