MAY14 rankings


In the Indian top 5 school students section of the MAY long challenge 2014 winners’ blog post, my rank is 1725 just before that of @ajs97 (1830). I am a school student studying in 10th grade in Chettinad Vidyashram, Chennai (which is a school) yet my user name does not figure in this section. How come? Could you please verify?

HI @sandy999 I would suggest you send your complaint by email directly to [email protected]. It will get resolved much faster that way.

It seems, like incorrect information to me…

blog post you refers to

But I have no idea what that “Now let us meet our little geniuses from schools.” sentence means, ranking for 2014 Jun Lunchtime is here and it seems to me, like @ajs97 is not there…

As @kcahdog wrote, write an e-mail, we can’t help you with that.