Lunch Time Ratings

Finally it is nice to see that ranking system for Lunch Time contest is also up. Hope that the ratings will be updated very soon :slight_smile:

Nice Initiative :slight_smile: Keep Going CODECHEF :slight_smile:

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I feel that it would have been better if they updated the ratings wrt to all the lunchtime starting from now…In most of the lunchtime I dont code the brute force solution as it would’nt affect the ranking :frowning: …Anyways a really good initiative :slight_smile:

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this was my first lunchtime contest…i solved 3 problems but my ltime rating is still 0 and rank NA ! please help!!

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have some patience. the ratings will be updated in a few hours.

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@chinmaya: :slight_smile: That is good :slight_smile: Dont worry you will have a good rating :slight_smile: Keep up the good going :slight_smile:

@win_ay: I also wish so. But that wont be the way, because they have been calculating after each LUNCH -TIME contests, but the fact was that it was not shown in the profile. Now i can find for some people the ranking is visible check this profile :slight_smile: So i dont think so that the ranking will be calculated from this month on-wards :slight_smile: It has al-ready been calculated with the previous contests.

@akat: That is good performance :slight_smile: And you may please wait for few more hours. Even for Short Contests it takes around 24 hours to up-date the whole rating. we will have to wait and see :slight_smile:

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Did any-body understand what is L Time and L Time(ALL) rating? I just saw that in this profile

Sorry if i am wrong.

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This was my first lunchtime contest too and I solved 2 problems but I am not in the rankings for the contest.

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@bipin2 i think the difference would be rankings for school going participants and rankings throughout i.e. ALL the participants(school+colg+professionals)…what say!!!


OhH!! That is a wonderful answer :slight_smile: Thanks :slight_smile: