Finally it is nice to see that ranking system for Lunch Time contest is also up. Hope that the ratings will be updated very soon
Nice Initiative Keep Going CODECHEF
Finally it is nice to see that ranking system for Lunch Time contest is also up. Hope that the ratings will be updated very soon
Nice Initiative Keep Going CODECHEF
I feel that it would have been better if they updated the ratings wrt to all the lunchtime starting from now…In most of the lunchtime I dont code the brute force solution as it would’nt affect the ranking …Anyways a really good initiative
this was my first lunchtime contest…i solved 3 problems but my ltime rating is still 0 and rank NA ! please help!!
have some patience. the ratings will be updated in a few hours.
@chinmaya: That is good Dont worry you will have a good rating Keep up the good going
@win_ay: I also wish so. But that wont be the way, because they have been calculating after each LUNCH -TIME contests, but the fact was that it was not shown in the profile. Now i can find for some people the ranking is visible check this profile So i dont think so that the ranking will be calculated from this month on-wards It has al-ready been calculated with the previous contests.
@akat: That is good performance And you may please wait for few more hours. Even for Short Contests it takes around 24 hours to up-date the whole rating. we will have to wait and see
Did any-body understand what is L Time and L Time(ALL) rating? I just saw that in this profile
Sorry if i am wrong.
This was my first lunchtime contest too and I solved 2 problems but I am not in the rankings for the contest.
@bipin2 i think the difference would be rankings for school going participants and rankings throughout i.e. ALL the participants(school+colg+professionals)…what say!!!
OhH!! That is a wonderful answer Thanks