Long Contest Rating Bug ! ???

Long challenge jan 2015 was my first long contest on codechef and my rating was around 4000 after it and I had solved 6 during the contest…But suddenly my long contest rating has become -1300 .How can it be possible ? Rating change without even a contest?

Proof of my submission :
my AC solution to QSET . submitted on 9th Jan(during contest)


Why has my rating changed to -1300 from 4000+ ?

Possible case of cheating. May be some other user had copied your solution that why your rating got decreased.

No, reduction in your ratings is not a bug.

This might have happened due to plagiarism cases, your rating might have decreased due to possible case of cheating or plagiarism. Similarities between your code and some other user might have been found by codechef and that is why your rating ( and also the other user with similarity ) has dropped.

You can send an e-mail stating your concern to [email protected] . Check the blog about " how to get my ratings back ".

Read this link if you want to know more about plagiarism and how it is handled by codechef.

Contact number to get in touch with Codechef => Office: (022) - 30797709 (Weekdays 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm)

Check your mail.you will get links of similar codes.

Yea… got it… I did send my code as reference to my friend as he couldn’t understand the question and apparently he submitted the same code during the contest which led to plagiarism … #lessonLearnt

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